Healthy Living

Optimize Your Morning Routine and Jumpstart Your Brain

By |2021-09-30T12:38:41-04:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: brain, Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Mental health, Mindfulness|Tags: , , |

Do any of these sound familiar? You hit the snooze button one too many times. You never allow yourself enough time to get ready in the morning. You’re always late for work. You’re bored with your morning routine. You tell yourself you’re going to get up early and workout … but you go back to sleep. [...]

3 Healthy Habits to Boost Your Immune System at Home

By |2021-09-27T21:14:10-04:00September 27th, 2021|Categories: Exercise, Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Sleep|Tags: , , |

Without a doubt, we all aim to stay healthy and live happy and productive lives. The present global situation has made everyone even more conscious about physical and mental wellness. With almost everyone spending more time at home to keep safe and carrying on with work while at home, it is essential to do what you [...]

6 Things You Can Do to Help Implantation After IVF 

By |2021-08-24T11:51:38-04:00August 24th, 2021|Categories: Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Pregnancy|Tags: , , |

The IVF journey to becoming a parent can be challenging, exhilarating, and stressful, as you go through all the procedures necessary to achieve a successful embryo transfer. But as anyone who has undergone fertility treatment knows, the journey doesn’t stop there. After an embryo has been transferred to the uterus, the patient has to wait around [...]

The Health Benefits of Peaches

By |2021-08-04T20:50:00-04:00August 4th, 2021|Categories: Fruit, Health, Healthy Living, Nourish, Nutrition|Tags: , |

There are few things more pleasing than a ripe and juicy peach that is in season. Peaches come from the tree Prunus persica and are thought to have been first domesticated around 8,000 years ago in China. They are related to plums, apricots and almonds and are considered drupes or stone fruit as the flesh surrounds [...]

Preparing for a One-Night Stand

By |2021-07-15T22:14:16-04:00July 15th, 2021|Categories: Friendship, Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Relationships|Tags: , , |

One-night stands are a great way to explore your sexuality and enjoy yourself while single. While it’s fun to get caught up in passion and spontaneity, it’s always good to be prepared to ensure you have a good time and stay safe. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re ready for the moment when [...]

5 Wellness Tips for Every Age

By |2021-07-13T16:36:39-04:00July 13th, 2021|Categories: Fit & Fab, Fitness, Healthy Living, Meditation, Plant-based diet, Yoga|Tags: , , , |

The health and wellness industry is booming. As the average life expectancy grows, individuals search for methods of improving their mobility and mental stability over the years. Fortunately, professionals discovered various activities that enhance humans' happiness, fitness level, and safety throughout all age groups. Did you know: Reducing your meat consumption lowers your risk for cancer, [...]

Top 5 Issues To Consider When Picking a Health Insurance Plan

By |2021-07-07T22:13:57-04:00July 7th, 2021|Categories: Health, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Healthy Living, insurance|Tags: , |

Finding the right health insurance for your family is a complicated decision that requires you to consider your health situation, employer's benefits, and budget. If you're stuck between a few plans, see how your potential providers compare on these five issues. Picking the right health insurance plan for your family is a complicated decision that requires [...]

Smile Pretty! 

By |2021-07-07T23:14:24-04:00July 7th, 2021|Categories: Dental, Health, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

Your genetics play a huge part in your appearance. There are some things you can control with diet and exercise, others with cosmetic surgery. If your smile isn’t what you’d like it to be, you can alter it by trying a different toothpaste or using whitening strips. Sometimes though, you’ll need to take that extra step [...]

How Sleep Works: The 4 Stages of Sleep – Infographic

By |2021-06-18T17:20:55-04:00June 16th, 2021|Categories: Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Sleep|Tags: , |

Getting a good night's sleep is very important, but how often do you actually get the best rest you're looking for? Most studies show that the average American only gets about 6 hours of sleep per night -- a full 2 hours less than doctors recommend. So how do you make sure you can get the [...]

Sleepy Time for Baby

By |2021-06-15T16:31:48-04:00June 15th, 2021|Categories: Babies, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

There’s a veritable laundry list of things about which new parents need to educate themselves. But putting your baby to sleep isn’t one of them, right? Sleep is an involuntary reflex. We all do it because our bodies need it. So, it’s simple, right? Not exactly. Sleep is crucial to babies and most do it naturally. [...]

10 Reasons Music Is So Good for Your Health

By |2021-05-21T21:37:21-04:00May 21st, 2021|Categories: Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Music|Tags: , , |

Many people like to jam out to music, whether at home or on their way back from work. Music is more than just a form of entertainment. It also has additional health benefits. Here are just 10 ways music can keep you healthy.   Music has many health benefits. It can lower stress and anxiety levels, [...]

Healing Habits to Incorporate into Your Personal Injury Recovery Process

By |2021-05-17T19:44:07-04:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Legal, Self Care|Tags: , , , |

Recovering from an injury can be a taxing process. But when your damages are the result of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you have to deal with more than just the physical recovery process. In this case, you also have to manage the emotional turmoil and frustration, as well. During this period, practicing self-care is crucial. [...]

4 Steps for Women to Have Good Health

By |2021-05-13T17:35:26-04:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, women's health|Tags: , , , , |

It’s essential to make your health a priority in life. It’s easy to get busy taking care of your family and friends, but don’t neglect yourself in the process. Here are four steps to make sure you establish good health habits.   As a woman, it’s essential to make your health a priority in life. [...]

Natural Stress Reduction Tips for Moms

By |2021-05-12T20:09:19-04:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Fit & Fab, Health, Healthy Living, Motherhood, Stress|Tags: , , , |

Moms know better than anyone that life can be stressful. Between mopping up spills, changing poopy diapers and being an unpaid chauffeur, it’s easy to lose yourself in the process of raising your kids. Yet, dedicating every last ounce of your time and energy to your littles can eventually take a major toll on your health. [...]

Sustainable Health Habits to Teach Your Family

By |2021-05-19T17:07:58-04:00May 8th, 2021|Categories: Fitness, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , |

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle increases the sustainability of your actions and shrinks your carbon footprint. When thinking of green living, you may picture individuals residing in rural regions and living off the land. Though this regime has its benefits, you can practice sustainability while leading a modern life. Families can decrease their environmental impact by adopting [...]

How Can You Adjust Your Eating Habits? 

By |2021-05-04T21:00:09-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Categories: Fit & Fab, Healthy Living, Weight Loss|Tags: , |

Are you someone who is looking for a way to adjust your eating habits? Nobody has ever said that going on a diet is easy. There are multiple reasons why people may be thinking about going on a diet. For example, some people are looking for a way to lose weight. Other people may have a [...]

How Working From Home Has Affected Our Wellbeing

By |2021-05-23T12:50:01-04:00May 1st, 2021|Categories: Featured, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Mental health, Work|Tags: , , , |

We're over a year in to working from home, and for many this temporary arrangement has become a permanent solution. And whilst there have been many benefits, including a better work life balance, feeling less stressed following the daily commute, and even saving money by missing out on the daily Starbucks habit, there are some side-effects [...]

What Equipment Do You Need for Aged Care Amid COVID-19?

By |2021-05-19T17:07:57-04:00April 21st, 2021|Categories: CoronaVirus, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , |

Older people above the age of 70 years with a weakened immune system are at a greater risk of contracting the coronavirus. Since the start of the pandemic, the Australian Government has spent over $1.5 billion on aged care for senior citizens. The Government has also issued advice for older people and their carers to remain [...]

Avoiding Unnecessary Excursions During COVID-19

By |2021-04-15T15:18:27-04:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: CoronaVirus, Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Technology|Tags: , , , |

To call the last year a trying time would be an understatement. With virtually every decision we make being impacted by the ongoing threat of the novel coronavirus, millions of us have been more proactive about our health than ever. When it comes to limiting potential exposure to COVID-19, it’s hard to overstate the importance of [...]

How to Stay Hygienic While Camping

By |2021-04-08T16:32:55-04:00April 8th, 2021|Categories: Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , |

Nothing is more relaxing than a vacation close to nature. Being surrounded by green trees and woodlands, fresh open bodies of water and open skies offers an intimate connection with nature that allows your mind and body to enjoy much-needed downtime. That makes camping an excellent vacation choice as it combines the fun and adventure of [...]

There’s No Shame In Living With An STD: Tips To Break The Stigma

By |2021-05-18T12:23:41-04:00April 8th, 2021|Categories: Health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are overwhelmingly prevalent in today’s youth. And emotions like anger, frustration, and guilt are commonly associated with such diagnoses. Often, people start worrying about what the STD entails for their relationship instead of worrying about their long-term health and mental well-being. Humans have a natural tendency [...]

Keeping Your Family Healthy

By |2021-04-07T21:43:19-04:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: Children, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , |

Staying healthy and eating right isn’t something that should only be brought into play when you need to lose weight. Altering your lifestyle choices in terms of diet and exercise can seem difficult, but it can have a multitude of positive effects. Included in this will be giving your children the tools they need to also [...]

5 Best Ways To Help Quit Smoking This Year 

By |2021-04-07T19:28:48-04:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: Addiction, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

The calendar and the pack of cigarettes on your table seem to be at odds once again. You've made it a New Year's resolution to stop smoking, but just like in times past, it seems you can't break off your long-standing affair with cigarettes. You've tried one or two hacks, but you can't sustain the effort. [...]

20 Wonderful Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

By |2021-04-06T15:40:29-04:00April 6th, 2021|Categories: Featured, Fit & Fab, Health, Healthy Living, Self Care, Spring|Tags: , , , |

I love to approach the spring season as a time for new beginnings. A time to plant new seeds. A time to blossom. A time for new opportunities. When you think of spring-cleaning, you probably think of the time of year where you go all out cleaning up your house. You know the time you move [...]

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