positive inspiration

7 Simple Hacks to Develop a Morning Routine that Will Set the Mood for the Whole Day

By |2017-03-04T00:10:11-05:00March 4th, 2017|Categories: Fit & Fab, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Life Hacks|Tags: , , , , |

Did you know that the way you start your day could also define the way you end it? Doing things in a hurry and running to get to work will have a negative impact on your state of mind. With these simple hacks, you can learn how to improve your day even before leaving the house. [...]

21 Ways to Say I Love You – Valentine’s Day Inspirational Quotes

By |2017-02-13T23:26:58-05:00February 13th, 2017|Categories: Holidays, Positive inspiration, Valentine's Day|Tags: , , , |

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways with these "21 Ways to Say I Love You Valentine's Day Inspirational Quotes"! We're so delighted that Valentine’s Day is here again! It’s a great day to celebrate and share love, friendship and gratitude as well! In my home I always say that everyday is Valentine's Day--but it's still [...]

Wishing You a Happy, Healthy and Amazing 2016!

By |2015-12-28T23:34:20-05:00December 28th, 2015|Categories: Fit & Fab, Healthy Living, Holidays, Positive inspiration|Tags: , , , , |

I love beginnings--especially the beginning of a new year! To me, each new year brings with it a powerful sense of possibilities which is incredibly exciting and stimulating! When I think about what I wish for in the year ahead, it's pretty simple: I close my eyes and wish for each of you to enjoy a healthy, [...]

Self Love: The First Step to Lasting Weight Loss

By |2015-05-25T21:20:08-04:00May 25th, 2015|Categories: Fit & Fab, Health & Wellness, Positive inspiration, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , |

Are you struggling to lose weight? Are you dissatisfied with the way you look? You are not alone. Many of us struggle with body image. We’re often unhappy with the way we look. Does this strike a familiar note with you? If so, one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your weight-loss goal [...]

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.
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