
10 Ways to Reupholster Furniture in a Sustainable Fashion 

By |2018-06-14T00:21:27-04:00June 14th, 2018|Categories: Eco-friendly, Green & natural home, Green living, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Sustainability has become a way of life for many who have changed their eating habits, energy use and overall mentality. Being more conscientious of your decisions regarding the earth and its species has long-lasting benefits to the world and also your health. So be sustainable when and where you can, including with your furniture. There are [...]

Three Natural Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

By |2018-01-12T17:17:44-05:00January 12th, 2018|Categories: Culture, Relationships|Tags: , , , |

For some couples, sex is the most natural, effortless thing in the world. For others, it is a source of great frustration that has a detrimental effect on other aspects of their relationship. Even the most sexually compatible couples go through periods of stress, miscommunication, and hardship that can impact their intimacy. When these challenges arise, [...]

31 Healthy, Green and Natural Uses for Lemons

By |2017-09-08T22:21:37-04:00September 8th, 2017|Categories: Green & natural home, Healthy Living, Natural Beauty Recipes, Natural Cleaning Products, Natural Remedies|Tags: , , |

Got lemons? As the saying goes "Make lemonade" -- but there is so much more that you can do with them! A lemon is one of those fruits that we always have in the house but don't really use enough. Even aside from the Vitamin C and minerals, it's perfect for use as a non-abrasive cleaner, [...]

Grow It Out: Natural Ways to Speed Up Hair Growth

By |2017-01-07T18:27:51-05:00January 7th, 2017|Categories: Beauty, Fit & Fab, Hair, Healthy Living, Natural Remedies|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Are you feeling jealous of Rapunzel of late? And regretting that decision of yours which made you chop off your long hair because you thought you didn’t want it anymore?   Well, we all have been there and done that. When we were kids, our mom’s took amazing care of our hair, oiled them, and plaited them [...]

8 Natural Gifts For Your Eco-Friendly Loved Ones For Under $40

By |2016-12-07T16:44:02-05:00December 7th, 2016|Categories: Culture, Eco-friendly, Green living, Healthy Living, Holidays, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green, Natural Remedies, women's health|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

  It’s that time of the year again – where wish-lists are made, crazy in store sales abound and you're busy shopping for loved ones. Are you concerned about what to get your gifts for your eco-friendly loved ones? We have to admit, the holidays can be very stressful, so today we’ve rounded up 8 sustainable gift ideas [...]

Your Natural Guide to Maintaining a High Metabolism

By |2016-05-03T23:04:41-04:00May 3rd, 2016|Categories: Exercise, Fit & Fab, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , , , , , |

You only get one body, and it's critical that you do what you can in order to take care of it. Vegetarianism offers people numerous health benefits, but sometimes it's necessary to be well-informed and vigilant in order to make sure that you get enough plant-based protein and other essential nutrients to maintain a high metabolism. Fortunately, there are natural tips [...]

FREE ECourse: 4 Steps to Living a Healthy, Natural, Chemical-Free Lifestyle

By |2015-08-29T22:49:35-04:00August 29th, 2015|Categories: Detox, Green & natural home, Green living, Health & Wellness, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Like me, I’m sure you worry a lot about the health and fitness of your family! You want everyone to eat good, wholesome food. You want to have plenty of energy. And you’re suspicious of all the unnatural chemicals in the products you use around the house – not to mention in the medication you give [...]

Look Good Naturally: 4 Homemade Skin Care Recipes

By |2015-05-05T14:09:27-04:00May 5th, 2015|Categories: Beauty, Fit & Fab, Natural Beauty Recipes, Natural Remedies|Tags: , , , , |

You don’t need expensive products to achieve beautiful skin. Lying right in your kitchen are the perfect ingredients you need to make healthy recipes for a variety of skin issues. Best of all, they’re straight from the earth and good for you. If you’ve ever squinted at the list of ingredients on skincare products because the [...]

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