
Donor Egg Bank in the USA: The Best Service for Your Family

By |2023-10-09T21:32:18-04:00October 9th, 2023|Categories: Family, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Motherhood|Tags: , , , |

The donation of genetic material has already played a vital role for many families around the world. It represents a revolutionary approach to overcoming certain challenges on the path to successful motherhood and parenthood. Let's explore what Genetic Material Donation is, the role of Donor Banks, and how they contribute to Infertility treatment.   "Genetic Material [...]

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving House

By |2021-11-11T18:43:20-05:00November 11th, 2021|Categories: Culture, Family, Featured, Home|Tags: , , |

It's set to be the largest investment you'll ever make - and we're not just talking about the money in your bank account. While much is made about the financial implications of buying a house, let's not forget that there are plenty of emotional questions to ponder as well. This is a huge step in your [...]

6 Ways You Know It’s Time to Cut a Toxic Family Member

By |2021-07-19T22:09:32-04:00July 19th, 2021|Categories: Family, Health, Health & Wellness, Mental health, Relationships|Tags: , |

Everyone wants to feel loved and cherished by their family members. It’s why so many movies and TV shows turn family bonds into the heart of their storylines. People love imagining themselves surrounded by happy loved ones, but that isn’t always their reality. Sometimes it’s better to walk away. These are six ways you know it’s [...]

Keeping Your Family Healthy

By |2021-04-07T21:43:19-04:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: Children, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , |

Staying healthy and eating right isn’t something that should only be brought into play when you need to lose weight. Altering your lifestyle choices in terms of diet and exercise can seem difficult, but it can have a multitude of positive effects. Included in this will be giving your children the tools they need to also [...]

5 Ways to Keep Your Family Cool This Summer

By |2020-09-17T21:53:13-04:00August 9th, 2020|Categories: CoronaVirus, Culture, Family, Home|Tags: , , , |

During the pandemic, many are finding themselves spending more time at home than they normally would. Canceled are the vacations. Postponed are the family get-togethers. Delayed is the start of the school year. While all of your plans may have been deferred, it's still possible to have a fun and rejuvenating summer. Just remember to beat [...]

4 Unique Ways to Use Your Home to Connect with Your Family

By |2020-07-01T22:32:47-04:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Culture, Family|Tags: , , |

As self-quarantine measures persist throughout the country, it's more important than ever to stay connected with your loved ones. You've likely felt a little stressed over the past few months – whether you're a parent to preschoolers or teenagers. That's why it's time to take another approach to these moments at home together.   Try these [...]

Keep Your Family Safe While Traveling With These 3 Tips

By |2018-09-28T22:55:36-04:00September 28th, 2018|Categories: Family, Featured, Travel|Tags: , , , |

Your passports are valid, your bags are packed, and your pets have a sitter. But for all the planning you do before your family travels, unknown factors may occur during your travels. Whether you are traveling by air, ground, or sea, you and your family should follow a few safety measures before you leave home. Take a [...]

Top 4 Reasons to Bring the Family to Santa Cruz 

By |2018-09-19T00:01:44-04:00September 19th, 2018|Categories: Family, Featured, Travel|Tags: , , , , , |

Santa Cruz, California, is a magnificent place which can provide endless hours of family fun. Here are four reasons why Santa Cruz is the perfect spot to bring the whole family for vacation.       Foodie Paradise Foodies in the family will have a blast as they follow their taste buds throughout downtown [...]

Benefits of Having One Family Dentist for All Your Dental Care Needs

By |2018-07-30T13:19:06-04:00July 30th, 2018|Categories: Dental, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , |

A healthy set of teeth is more than just one charming smile. Those nicely-shaped white pearls are of course a gorgeous sight that can make anyone more beautiful than they already are. Guys who have a good set of teeth are equally charming as well. It can make them more appealing and handsome. When it comes [...]

A Room-By-Room Guide to Designing a Home That Will Make You Happier 

By |2018-06-13T17:39:18-04:00June 13th, 2018|Categories: Culture, Home, Home Decor|Tags: , , , , |

A home is more than a place to rest your head: it is the environment in which your family will experience the most formative developments in their individual and collective lives. So many people prioritize aesthetics or practicality above all else when designing their home. What they fail to recognize is that qualities such as these [...]

Looking For Father's Day Ideas? Take Him Axe Throwing!

By |2018-05-28T16:36:06-04:00May 28th, 2018|Categories: Culture, Family, Gifts|Tags: , , , , , |

Father’s Day is all about taking the time out of our busy schedules and honouring our dads, for all their hard work, the sacrifices they made (and continue to make) and the enduring love they show us, even if it’s not always expressed. Whereas many people settle for taking their father out for dinner, feeding him [...]

4 Ways To Move Your Family Outdoors

By |2017-11-30T22:30:50-05:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: Exercise, Fit & Fab|Tags: , |

Would you like to spend more time outdoors with your family? According to a study by Polygon, 47 percent of gamers are 18 to 49 years old. The study further states that 50 percent of people with gaming consoles use them to also watch movies. These statistics show that young and older adults are spending a [...]

Ways to Protect Your Family at Home

By |2017-10-18T21:38:47-04:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Culture, Eco-friendly, Featured, Healthy Living, Home|Tags: , , , , |

A lot of planning goes into making the decision to buy a home. You research the crime rate, the school systems, where parks and stores are located, and the condition of the property itself. Now that you own your home there are others things you should do in order to safeguard your home, protect loved ones [...]

How to Teach Your Children to Go Green at a Young Age

By |2017-08-29T00:20:09-04:00August 29th, 2017|Categories: Children, Green living, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , |

Despite what we’d all like to believe, resources on earth aren’t infinitely renewable, and our rampant overconsumption has been steering us into dangerous territory for years.  While we can’t turn back the clock, we can make major changes now that will have a serious impact on sustainability for the foreseeable future. So where do we start? [...]

How to Keep Your Kids From Becoming Greedy and Instead Learn to Give Back

By |2017-06-27T22:34:41-04:00June 27th, 2017|Categories: Children, Doing Good, Family, Featured|Tags: , , , |

Most parents rue the day their child learned the word “mine.” That single word can transform a magnanimous toddler into a greedy child. Almost all kids pass through a phase of gimme-gimmes, when every item they touch becomes part of their personal wealth. However, without parent intervention, the seemingly harmless gimme-gimmes can develop into selfishness and [...]

How to Choose the Best Place to Stay During Family Vacations

By |2016-11-18T18:30:48-05:00November 18th, 2016|Categories: Culture, Family, Travel|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Choosing the right hotel for your family vacation may seem like a daunting task, but it does not have to be. From considering the needs of all your family members to making sure your hotel stay is within your budget, there are many things to consider. However, if you plan carefully, you can have all your [...]

Protect Your Family’s Finances

By |2016-08-24T14:19:10-04:00August 24th, 2016|Categories: Business, Culture, Family|Tags: , , , , |

No matter what stage you and your family are in, your family’s finances face many budgetary challenges. Life insurance is a critical component in preserving your family’s finances no matter what happens to you. Not often thought about as an essential component in your overall financial plan, life insurance can preserve your assets and pay off [...]

A Guide to Eye Care for Your Whole Family – Infographic

By |2016-08-10T12:38:56-04:00August 10th, 2016|Categories: Eye health, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, infographic|Tags: , , , , , , |

Focusing on your family’s eye care is a big responsibility, especially for families with many generations. And products you may use daily can affect eye health. For example, makeup makes contact with you and your family’s eyes more than you may realize. Infant’s eyes are only 70 percent developed, making their eye care more important. And [...]

Should You Use Drug Test Kits in the Home?

By |2016-02-04T18:09:11-05:00February 4th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , , , |

It’s not a nice thing to think about, but drug use amongst young people is a reality parents these days have to face. Drug test kits are available for home use, but should you make your kids take the test? As much as it won’t be an easy thing to do, there are actually several good [...]

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