The significance of getting a good night’s sleep regularly cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have shown a direct link between getting good sleep and your physical wellbeing. Furthermore, those who regularly get a good night’s sleep generally enjoy better mental health as well. The kicker is that for many people, a good night’s sleep can be hard to come by.

Stress at work, young children, or even chronic back pain can all be potential inhibitors of the good night’s sleep that you are missing. The good news is that there are ways of combating most of the things that are behind disruptions in your sleep patterns.

It is important to note that if you suffer from true insomnia, you should always consult a qualified healthcare professional for the best course of treatment. Otherwise, here are a few things you can do to help combat the non-medical reasons that you might not be getting the best sleep possible.



How to Have Your Best Night’s Sleep Yet 

Find the Right Pillow

Those who have been suffering from poor sleep for a while might be surprised to find that the solution to their restless nights might be as simple as making the swap to a better pillow. There are so many different models and types of pillows out there, but you want to find a design that will alleviate your specific issues

People who experience back and neck pain when they are trying to sleep should go for a . The design of this pillow will offer extra support to your neck, which will remove some of the pressure from your back. This is also an excellent option for anyone who experiences the burning of acid reflux at night when they lie down.

This is particularly common in pregnancy as the muscles in your stomach become more relaxed. That is why heartburn is frequently experienced in pregnant women. A wedge pillow can prop your head up comfortably so that you don’t experience the burning sensation that can get in the way of a good night’s sleep.

How to Have Your Best Night’s Sleep Yet 

Take Time to Unwind

Often, the reason that you are not getting good quality sleep at night can come down to an overactive and stressed-out mind. The moment you close your eyes and trying to get some rest, all the thoughts about what tomorrow may hold come rushing into your mind. To-do lists and schedules occupy your thoughts, and it is nearly impossible to block them out.

If this sounds familiar, the best thing you can do is take the time before trying to sleep to properly calm your mind and wind down. Start by shutting off those screens about an hour before bedtime. The blue light from televisions, tablets, and smartphones can keep your brain awake at those times when you want to find quiet and peace.

Instead of scrolling through your phone in bed, try completing a series of stretches to not only calm your mind but also relax your body so that you can fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.


What are your best tips for getting a good night’s sleep?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


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