Green & natural home

5 Tips for Living an All Around Greener Life

By |2015-08-25T23:39:17-04:00August 25th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , |

Going green can seem like a big challenge and a major lifestyle change. When you take a closer look at the numerous aspects of green living, though, it's clear that you can be much more environmentally friendly with just a few changes. Here are five tips for living an all-around greener life. Greening Your Automobile Expenses Many people don't realize [...]

Freshen Your Home with 20+ Safe, Natural and Ecofriendly Air Freshener Ideas

By |2015-08-24T17:45:35-04:00August 24th, 2015|Categories: Essential oils, Green & natural home, Green living, infographic, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Who doesn't love a fresh, fragrant-smelling home! A pleasant-smelling is a happy place to be but make sure to rethink how you tackle the stink. Think twice before you grab some of the conventional aerosol air freshener sprays, candles and plug-ins. For good reasons... Unfortunately, many commercial air fresheners are full of toxic chemicals that are [...]

The Lowdown on French Drains

By |2015-08-16T11:43:10-04:00August 16th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , |

If you’ve never heard of a French drain before, you may think it has something to do with baguettes and the Eiffel Tower. The truth is, however, that French drains are a plumbing method that can be very effective in dealing with a wet or damp basement.   "In the 19th century, Henry French popularized this [...]

Is Clutter Taking Over Your Life? Green Tips for Eliminating Clutter Plus Infographic

By |2015-07-17T14:54:08-04:00July 17th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , |

I admit it: Clutter is killing me! I have always been a bit of a pack rat! In fact, I write this post, I am constantly distracted by the unsightly mounds of clutter that surround me--not to mention what it is doing to the indoor air environment! Piles and piles of books, papers, magazines, newspapers, souvenirs from trade shows [...]

Cool Green Tech To Help You Be Environmentally Conscious This Summer

By |2015-06-18T22:18:47-04:00June 18th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |

Guest post by Maria Ramos "On many days, the dampness of the air pervades all life, all living. Matches refuse to strike. The towel, hung to dry, grows wetter by the hour … Envelopes seal themselves. Postage stamps mate with one another as shamelessly as grasshoppers."   So said E.B. White of a typical Florida summer [...]

5 DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes for a Green and Clean Workout – Infographic

By |2015-06-03T01:41:04-04:00June 3rd, 2015|Categories: Exercise, Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green, Natural Cleaning Products|Tags: , , , , , , |

Did you know that gym equipment can harbor thousands of germs, acting as a hotbed of bacteria that can be harmful to your health? In fact, some of the bacteria that can live on your gym equipment include rhinoviruses, klebsiella, and streptococcal bacteria. These nasty germs can hide on your weights, mats, and equipment such as treadmills [...]

6 Healthy, Green and Natural Reasons to Sleep on Bamboo Bed Sheets

By |2015-06-02T13:37:25-04:00June 2nd, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , |

Guest post by Dana Smith It is not hard to believe that your bedding or bed sheet plays a very significant role while you relax and contributes a lot to the mood and setting. You share one-third of your life with your bed. Then, why not to boost this chunk of your life with a little [...]

10 Plants to Brighten Up Your Balcony

By |2015-05-26T23:13:50-04:00May 26th, 2015|Categories: Gardening, Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Guest post by Amy Leach Sometimes, balconies can look a little bland and lifeless, and this can inevitably leave you lusting for the outdoors. A bit of bright plant life is something that you may feel is being denied to you if you’re nine floors up. But this simply isn’t the case. Balcony gardening is one [...]

6 Green Features to Implement in Your New Home

By |2015-05-21T13:29:05-04:00May 21st, 2015|Categories: Energy-efficient, Environment, Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , |

Moving to a new home is a challenging task and often a difficult time for the entire family. There is a lot you are going to leave behind and a lot that you will have to endure during the removals, starting from choosing a new home, to hiring a moving service and packing. It is not surprising that moving [...]

How to Make Your HVAC System More Energy Efficient

By |2015-05-18T17:52:37-04:00May 18th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , |

Have your heating and cooling bills been a bit higher than you’d like them to be? If so, you can reduce them, because you have more control over your utility bills than you might realize. To make your HVAC system less costly and more energy efficient, heed the following tips. Check Your Air Filter Monthly If [...]

7 Ways to Upcycle in Time for Spring Cleaning

By |2015-05-08T16:45:28-04:00May 8th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green, Recycling, Upcycled Art, Upcycling|Tags: , , , , |

If you want to spruce up your wardrobe or home this spring but don’t want to spend a lot of money, consider upcycling. This environmentally friendly practice is when you take household items, clothing or anything else that you think is on its last leg and could be tossed out and turn it into something new, [...]

4 Smart and Easy Ways to Go Green with Household Items

By |2015-05-07T19:29:52-04:00May 7th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Guest post by Eva Hines There are many ways you can reuse or recycle household items instead of simply throwing them away if you're trying to live green. Reusing and recycling items obviously helps you save substantial amounts of money in the long term, but it also helps you do your bit of good for the environment. [...]

How to Go Natural Without Blowing Your Budget

By |2015-05-05T19:02:09-04:00May 5th, 2015|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , |

Shopping for organic products may appear to cost more, but there are savings to be had if you make a shopping plan and stick with it. Make a list. Creating and then sticking to a shopping list is a smart way to save. Of course, creating and then sticking to a shopping list is [...]

8 Great Ways To Make Your Kitchen Greener

By |2013-10-18T12:33:22-04:00October 18th, 2013|Categories: Energy-efficient, Environment, Green & natural home, Green living, Healthy Living, Living Green, Recycling|Tags: , , , , , , |

How many times have your friends come over and instead of sitting in your living room they head straight for your kitchen, pull up a chair and hang out there for the rest of their visit. That's not a surprise. For many of us, the kitchen is often one of our favorite and most-used rooms in [...]

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