
Is Life Insurance for My Child Really Necessary?

By |2023-04-03T12:55:17-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Children, Culture, Family, Health & Wellness, insurance|Tags: , , |

Some parents wonder whether they should buy life insurance for a child and what that process is like. Although purchasing life insurance for a child is not always a good idea, it can be the right answer for certain families.  A life insurance policy can be used to give money to children, or it can offset [...]

3 Environmentally-Friendly Parenting Hacks Everyone Should Know

By |2023-03-19T19:25:44-04:00March 19th, 2023|Categories: Children, Family, Featured, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , |

Are you a green-minded parent looking for new, creative ways to raise your family in an environmentally friendly way? You’ve come to the right place. Parenting can be one of the best opportunities for making small changes that contribute to a big impact when it comes to environmental conservation. Read on for some simple yet effective [...]

8 School Break Safety Tips for New Drivers

By |2023-03-14T19:26:39-04:00March 14th, 2023|Categories: Children, Culture, Featured, insurance|Tags: , , , |

Summer is a time of fun and adventure, especially for first-time drivers. These drivers are anxious to get out on the road, spend time with friends, and see new places.  However, as parents or guardians of these young drivers, there are many concerns and worries to work through. Fortunately, there are safety measures and best practices [...]

Best Summer Vacation Destinations for Children Under 10

By |2023-02-28T18:46:21-05:00February 28th, 2023|Categories: Children, Family, Featured, Travel|Tags: , , |

Traveling with young children can be a daunting task, but with a little planning, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. Luckily, there are countless wonderful vacation destinations that are perfect for families with young children. Finding fun, age-appropriate vacation spots for your children doesn’t need to be as difficult as finding the answers to [...]

How to Encourage Lifelong Learning in Your Teen

By |2022-05-20T16:09:19-04:00May 20th, 2022|Categories: Children, Culture, Education, Featured|Tags: , , |

Teenagers are bombarded with a multitude of stressors. They’re trying to pass classes, navigate relationships and decide who they want to become and do in the future. On top of all this, they’re being given more and more responsibility for their own lives. This can be terrifying for kids who are worried they don’t have what [...]

The Benefits of Early STEM for Your Kids

By |2022-03-18T14:24:04-04:00March 18th, 2022|Categories: Children, Culture, Education, Featured|Tags: , , |

Talking about STEM usually brings to mind images of scientists conducting experiments in lab coats, engineers constructing bridges and physicists building satellites to explore the depths of space. But what about preschoolers and elementary students? STEM education can start at a very early age – long before kids can imagine what their futures might be. Introducing [...]

How to Raise Eco-Conscious Kids (And Why This Is Important)

By |2022-02-03T12:40:51-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Children, Featured, Fit & Fab, Green living, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , |

People have been rather nonchalant on the topic of climate change up until a few years back. Global emissions are only getting higher and the damages caused by our actions (and inactions) are getting out of hand. It seems that officials are finally grasping the urgency of this topic, and the United Nations secretary-general has called [...]

7 Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

By |2021-07-26T19:49:22-04:00July 26th, 2021|Categories: Children, Family, Health & Wellness, Mental health|Tags: , |

A child's mental health is just as important as their physical health and development. Often, adults may dismiss kids' emotions because they're kids and are going through changes. However, they're experiencing and growing up in a world where every new channel seems to dispel hate. Not to mention, they recently went through a pandemic. Even day-to-day [...]

Cooking with Kids: 6 Tips for Getting Your Kids Engaged with Cooking

By |2021-07-08T21:17:21-04:00July 8th, 2021|Categories: Children, Kitchen, Nourish|Tags: , |

While you may think your children are only interested in watching YouTube or playing video games, there is so much more that they could be doing with their time.  Nothing spells fun for children more than getting their hands messy while cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Messy play is a great way to get [...]

Ways to Encourage Your Children to Read

By |2021-06-09T13:33:41-04:00June 9th, 2021|Categories: Books, Children, Culture, Featured|Tags: , , |

Reading is one of the most beneficial activities for children. They develop language and communication skills, learn about new topics, and can visualize fiction stories, boosting their imagination. You probably gathered many books throughout the years for your children to be able to read. Now that it’s summer, you want your children to continue their learning [...]

Getting Baby to Sleep: How to Create the Ideal Sleeping Environment 

By |2021-06-04T21:52:59-04:00June 4th, 2021|Categories: Babies, Children, Health & Wellness|Tags: , , |

When learning how to get babies to sleep, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, it often involves trial and error, plenty of perseverance, and sleep training advice from the experts. While finding the right way to get your baby to sleep may seem daunting, there are simple steps and approaches you can try to help your [...]

How to Connect Your Children With Nature

By |2021-04-29T19:57:56-04:00April 29th, 2021|Categories: Children, Environment, Family, Featured, Fit & Fab, Green living|Tags: , , |

Kids learn new things every day while they grow from babies to teenagers. They’re always studying different concepts at school or testing their skills. Kids should also get to know the planet and form a personal connection that benefits their personal growth. Parents can use this guide to learn how to connect your children with nature [...]

Keeping Your Family Healthy

By |2021-04-07T21:43:19-04:00April 7th, 2021|Categories: Children, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , |

Staying healthy and eating right isn’t something that should only be brought into play when you need to lose weight. Altering your lifestyle choices in terms of diet and exercise can seem difficult, but it can have a multitude of positive effects. Included in this will be giving your children the tools they need to also [...]

Birth Injury Lawsuit Process: Everything You Need to Know 

By |2021-03-30T16:51:28-04:00March 30th, 2021|Categories: Babies, Business, Children, Family, Legal|Tags: , , |

A birth injury lawsuit is a category of legal action that helps families receive compensation when their child is born with health problems that could have been prevented. The lawsuits can be filed against hospitals, doctors, nurses, or other medical personnel responsible for the child's injuries. The child's family can use the money from the lawsuits [...]

Well Rounded: Keeping Kids Safe Inside and Out

By |2021-03-16T14:28:16-04:00March 16th, 2021|Categories: Children, Family, Health & Wellness|Tags: , , , |

There are many ways in which to judge the advancement of a society. When artists imagine the future utopia of our world, communities are a zoning commission’s fantasy﹘a perfect marriage of nature and industry, with rich, emerald parks dotting a city that shines like a crystal; buildings gleaming in garments of glass and white steel, pillars [...]

What Gripe Water is, and When to Use It

By |2021-02-28T15:26:10-05:00February 28th, 2021|Categories: Babies, Children, Family, Health & Wellness, Natural Remedies|Tags: , , |

You might have heard of gripe water before, but you may not be sure about what it does or when to use it. Gripe water is a non-prescription product, meaning that you can get it easily and in many stores. There are different ones that have various formulas. You can find it in many countries. Generally, [...]

Kids’ Constipation Quick Relief Tips

By |2020-11-20T12:53:02-05:00November 19th, 2020|Categories: Children, Health & Wellness, Natural Remedies|Tags: , , |

Parents everywhere want to provide their kid(s) the fastest relief possible when they are suffering from the unpleasant symptoms of constipation. This common problem affects up to 30% of children, and yet many parents feel at a loss as to what methods are the most effective for relieving - and preventing - constipation. While it may [...]

Great Gift Ideas For Kids With Hearing Loss

By |2020-10-30T21:26:43-04:00October 30th, 2020|Categories: Children, Culture, Gifts|Tags: , , |

When a person’s hearing is detectably impaired from typical hearing levels, they have hearing loss. Individuals with hearing loss may suffer from mild or moderate medical impairment. These people can hear some sounds but may struggle to make out words or hear noises at some frequencies. Some people with hearing loss may suffer severe or profound [...]

Tell-Tale Signs That Your Teen is Ready to Learn to Drive 

By |2020-10-07T19:21:24-04:00October 7th, 2020|Categories: Children, Culture, Family, Life Hacks|Tags: , , |

Being the parent of a teenager isn’t easy. It’s a daily challenge. From relationships and firsts to pressure from friends and school, mood swings and planning for their futures, it’s difficult to keep up teens at the best of times. And while it’s far too easy to reminisce about a simpler time when all they wanted [...]

Dental Care For Kids: 8 Healthy Foods for Healthy Teeth

By |2020-04-09T17:54:45-04:00April 9th, 2020|Categories: Children, Dental, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , |

As a parent, you do not have to wait for the Children’s Dental Health Month to look into your child’s dental health. You taught your children the basic fundamentals of dental health practices, such as brushing their teeth twice a day and flossing every day. While practicing proper dental hygiene is crucial for your child’s oral [...]

4 Practical Ways to Reduce Kids’ Screen Time at Home 

By |2020-02-05T22:04:08-05:00February 5th, 2020|Categories: Children, Culture, Technology|Tags: , , , |

Screen time is a part of many regular routines and habits. It’s one of the fastest ways that we can access news, entertainment and other forms of media, however one should always strive for balance between the tactile and digital worlds.   As a parent, the tech devices you welcome into your home are subject to [...]

5 Ways to Throw an Epic Zero-Waste Birthday Party for Your Kid

By |2019-07-22T13:23:24-04:00July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Children, Featured, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green, Zero Waste|Tags: , , |

Caring for the environment is crucial nowadays more than ever. The amount of plastic found in the ocean is frightening, but what’s more horrifying is the massive number of animal casualties. In the beginning, using plastic for convenience was a stellar idea, until the population grew and so did the number of people who use it. [...]

Five Ways to Give Your New Baby the Healthiest Start Possible

By |2019-07-19T13:52:48-04:00July 19th, 2019|Categories: Children, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

Going from the womb to the real world is a huge shock for your baby! Although you probably spent plenty of time worrying about the health of your little one in utero, it pales in comparison to how much time you’re likely to spend worrying about your infant’s health after he is born. It’s important to [...]

6 Nontoxic, Eco-Friendly Projects for Kids to Do Outside

By |2019-07-09T14:34:41-04:00July 9th, 2019|Categories: Children, Living Eco-friendly, Living Green, Living Green, Summer|Tags: , , , |

Getting our kids outside during the summertime is more challenging today than ever. Most little ones would rather spend their time in front of the television or computer than head out that door and explore the world around them. Add to that the fact that many of the classic summer activities aren't as eco-friendly as they [...]

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