People have been rather nonchalant on the topic of climate change up until a few years back. Global emissions are only getting higher and the damages caused by our actions (and inactions) are getting out of hand. It seems that officials are finally grasping the urgency of this topic, and the United Nations secretary-general has called for “emergency mode.” 

However, while we are waiting for “the big guys” to play their parts, we can also make our contribution. And it is impossible to find a better investment in an eco-friendly future than to raise eco-conscious kids. Here’s how to do it and why this is so important. 



The Importance of Making a Difference

Kids will hardly feel motivated to do something they don’t see the point of doing. When they know their actions have consequences and that they are making a difference, they are more likely to participate in these activities. Try to explain how taking care of nature helps the little birds, bees, and other animals to stay healthy. Talk about the negative consequences of being reckless towards the environment and explain how each of us can contribute to the preservation of the planet.

How to Raise Eco-Conscious Kids (And Why This Is Important)

Show, Don’t Tell

Yes, communication is important, but children tend to imitate what their parents do and look up to them. Making eco-conscious decisions can require more effort for generations that aren’t raised that way. However, if you start doing it now, your kids will grow up in an environment where it’s normal to recycle, use energy-saving appliances, and always choose the eco-friendly option.



Nature as the Great De-stressor

Children will appreciate the benefits of nature and be more caring towards it if they associate it with positive emotions. The best way to create and nurture this relationship is by encouraging your children to spend time in the great outdoors. This is also an ideal chance for bonding and for or generally helping them deal with things that are burdening them.

When you spend time outdoors with your children, whether the location is a local park, nature reserve, or backyard, it’s important to make it a fun occasion. Use this chance to talk about the plants, trees, the sun, the air, and all the wonders of nature. 



How to Raise Eco-Conscious Kids (And Why This Is Important)

The Three R’s

There are three golden R’s of sustainable living: reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling comes last because before we send something to the recycling bin, we need to see if there’s a use for it. 

Kids can learn this through games. For example, take two things and tell them to decide which one goes to recycling and which can still be used and may be repurposed. Ask them to elaborate on their decision. Make repurposing of an item a fun family project. Reusing also means giving some items (perhaps their old toys) to charity. 

Make a list of the things that can be recycled (e.g., glass containers, aluminum cans, newspapers, corrugated cardboard, etc.). Hang it on a visible place in the house and give a star or some other visual reward for each item they separate for recycling.

As for reducing, take one day to calculate how much trash they make (e.g., plastic bags, straws, etc.) and search for alternatives together. For example, you might make an effort to make their school lunch packaging entirely eco-friendly.



If You Plant It, It Will Grow

Trees are among the most valuable elements of nature – we literally need them to breathe. Your kids will appreciate them more if they also participate in planting one. You can plant one tree in your backyard together or make it a habit to plant a tree somewhere for each birthday.

Sustainable gardening is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids and teach them to love the outdoors. It’s a rewarding process because they can plant something with their own hands, nurture it, and then eat it. Along with sustainable gardening, you can teach them about composting, too. 

How to Raise Eco-Conscious Kids (And Why This Is Important)

Make Composting Your Family Routine

Composting can become a habit for your kids and yourself. But first, you need to teach them which materials are compostable and which are not. If you think they might forget the lesson or mix things up, you can hang a reminder in your kitchen. Eggshells, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee filters, coffee grinds, and leaves are some of the compostable items, while bones, meat, fat, and milk go on the no-no list.

Once the theoretical part is over, get a visibly identified and easy-to-reach compost container. Make composting a part of your family habits by disposing of scraps into the container after every meal or snack. 

Additionally, you could watch videos about composting, read kids’ books on this topic, or perform science experiments together. 



John Fitzgerald Kennedy said that “children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” Invest in that hope by raising eco-conscious kids.

Guest post by Hannah Thomas


What are your top tips for raising eco-conscious kids?

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How to Raise Eco-Conscious Kids (And Why This Is Important) - There are three golden R’s of sustainable living: reduce, reuse, recycle. It is hard to find a better investment in an eco-friendly future than to raise eco-conscious kids. Here’s how to do it and why this is so important.  #ecoconscious  #ecoconsciouskids   #kids # sustainableliving  #reduce  #reuse  #recycle





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