Looking to improve your health? While we’re months into the New Year, it’s never too late to take charge of your health. Here are 4 questions to ask yourself about your health so that you can start your personal journey towards a healthier and happier you.

To improve your #health, take a look at your current #lifestyle choices. How much #sleep do you get each night? Do you eat #healthy most of the time? Do you meet your daily water goals? How often do you get out and #exercise?Click To Tweet

1. Do I Lead a Healthy Lifestyle?

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health
One of the first questions to ask yourself about your health is whether or not you live a healthy lifestyle. While no one eats perfectly every single day or gets the right amount of sleep overall, in order to protect and work towards improved health, your lifestyle choices must first pave the way. For example, if you want to improve your cardiovascular health, it’s counterproductive to take up running while continuing to smoke. The lifestyle choices you make play a huge role in your overall health.
To get started on your journey to improved health, take a look at your current lifestyle choices. How much sleep do you get each night? Do you eat healthy most of the time? Do you meet your daily water goals? How often do you get out and exercise?
All of these questions (and tons more!) are important to answer. Consider your lifestyle habits and figure out which ones need to be improved or stopped entirely.

2. Is My Diet Healthy?

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health
What you eat plays a huge role in your health. A wholesome diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein is much more likely to ward off health issues. A diet that mostly consists of junk food, processed food, unhealthy fats, and simple carbs can lead to all sorts of health issues including:

  • Overweight/obesity
  • Poor heart health
  • Increased risk of certain cancers

A poor diet combined with poor lifestyle choices can be extremely dangerous. If you’re serious about getting your health on track, take the time to look at what you eat and find ways to add in more healthy options.
Remember, a healthy diet is one that is mostly wholesome with room for snacks and junk food every so often. Your diet shouldn’t feel like a chore. Instead, focus on eating healthy as often as possible while knowing it’s okay to indulge in a piece of chocolate or ice cream every so often. Moderation is key!

3. How’s My Dental Health?

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health
Chances are you brush your teeth at least twice a day, but this is only a small part of ensuring that you’re in tip-top dental and oral health. Aside from brushing, it’s also important to floss and use mouthwash. Flossing removes the plaque, bacteria, food particles, and other stuff that gets lodged between your teeth. Mouthwash is also useful in freshening the breath and getting rid of any residual bacteria.
While brushing, flossing, and rinsing are important, knowing the ins and outs of the products you use to clean your teeth and mouth is just as, if not more important.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your toothpaste? Even if you have, it’s unlikely that you know which ingredients are safe and which ones aren’t. The sad truth is that many of today’s top dental and oral care companies use ingredients that are extremely unsafe. Some ingredients disrupt endocrine and reproductive hormones. Others have been linked to an increased risk of cancer! Another fact worth noting is that store-bought toothpaste doesn’t contain the vital minerals that your teeth need in order to remineralize.
To have peace of mind that you’re using the best and safest dental care products, it’s best to go the all-natural route.
For a deep and remineralizing clean, look no further than Dirty Mouth T. This product uses all natural ingredients like clay and essential oils to clean your teeth while also adding important minerals like calcium and potassium back into the mouth.
While tooth powder takes some getting used to, the benefits are unlike anything that you’ll get by using store-bought toothpaste.

4. What Are My Health Goals?

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health
After taking a good close look at your health, the next step is to set some health goals. No matter if you want to lose weight, reduce stress, or become more physically active, having goals to work towards is a must. Without goals, you’re unable to measure your success or set more goals in the future.
When setting health goals, make sure they’re realistic and measurable. For instance, if you want to lose weight, set reasonable goals like losing 2 lbs a week. Or if you want to improve your dental health, set the goal of having no cavities at your next dentist appointment.
Once you reach a goal, you can set others. As long as you’re alive, there’s always a way to improve your health.

Looking to improve your #health? It’s never too late to take charge of your health. Ask yourself key questions about your health to start your personal journey towards a healthier and happier you.Click To Tweet


4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health
Improving your health doesn’t have to be hard. With these 4 questions you can pinpoint which factors in your life may be causing issues. From there you can work towards making better choices to become a healthier version of you!
What are your favorite ways to improve your health?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.


4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Health: To improve your #health, take a look at your current #lifestyle choices. How much #sleep do you get each night? Do you eat #healthy most of the time? Do you meet your daily water goals? How often do you get out and #exercise? #healthyliving #dentalhealth #healthyeating #exercise #fitness #healthylifestyle