
When Your Friends Drink and You Don’t

By |2017-11-05T16:50:13-05:00November 5th, 2017|Categories: Culture, Friendship, Healthy Living, Life Hacks|Tags: , , , , |

You’re not the only one out there who’s not drinking. Isn’t that nice to know sometimes? Most of the time, it feels like you’re the only sober person who’s out on a Friday night. A lot of us stay away from alcohol because we want to enjoy better health. Others of us are abstaining because of [...]

Can Watching TV Be Healthy?

By |2016-12-02T14:32:53-05:00December 2nd, 2016|Categories: Exercise, Fit & Fab, Fitness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , , , , |

Most of us grew up believing that watching television was one of the unhealthiest ways we could spend our time. We were told that it rots our brains, that it ruins our eyesight, and that spending all day slouched in front of the tube was terrible for our physical health...okay that last part might be true. [...]

The Advantage Of A Good Project

By |2016-11-11T16:56:52-05:00November 11th, 2016|Categories: Culture, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Life Hacks|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Retirement is a social construct that makes people think at a certain age it's time to relax and do nothing for a while. Though a nice idea, and a prime motivator behind today's worker-bee wage-slave economy, it's just not something that reflects reality. Avoid Being Sedentary People tend to feel as though working day in and [...]

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.
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