Life requires some level of inspiration. That’s why it’s so difficult to do anything when you’re feeling uninspired or unhappy. Sometimes, it’s difficult even to muster the motivation to get out of bed.
But whether you’re “feeling it” or not, life marches on. And we’re expected to join the parade no matter the circumstance.
Our commitments don’t cease to exist because of the black cloud that seems to be hanging our heads at times. We still have work and family responsibilities that we have to show up for.
But the good news is that we can draw inspiration, even when things seem bleak.

When you’re feeling down, you can succumb to those #feelings and waste your day or you can do the exact opposite. Take control and try to find #inspiration within you. You may have to dig deep, but it’s there.Click To Tweet
Here are 5 ways to get your creative juices flowing when you’re feeling down.

Go for a walk

5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down 
This probably sounds cliché, but walking can really help inspire creativity. If you can, go for a walk out in nature where you’re away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Many times, when we’re feeling uninspired, it’s because our problems are getting the better of us. Getting out in nature can help reset your priorities and natural rhythm. And walking is a form of exercise, so it will cause your body to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins.
The combination of these things can help inspire creativity and get you back on track.
If possible, set an alarm that will tell you exactly when you need to turn around to come back. This way, you can let your mind roam freely until it’s time to get back to reality.

Connect with a support group

5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down 
No matter what you’re feeling, someone else out there is feeling similar feelings. These days, even people with extremely rare genetic diseases can connect online and share their lives. Social media can be the cause of depression for some people, but when it’s used wisely, it can help bring people together to feel less alone.
No matter what you’re going through, whether it’s a job loss, or losing someone you cared about, you can probably find an online support group. If you use Facebook, that’s a good place to start. There are plenty of private groups you can join to help you through virtually anything. If Facebook groups aren’t a good fit, do a more general online search or look for support groups in your area. These are typically easy to find if you’re struggling with an addiction of some sort.


5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down 
Studies have shown that . When you start meditating, you’ll naturally become more mindful and present in your life, which is a great source of inspiration for many people.
Start by meditating for about 5-minutes every day. It may not seem like much, but your mind is like a muscle. It’s important to work it out, and you don’t want to overdo it. Work your way up in 5-minute increments until you reach 30-minute meditations.
Who knows, you might even have . You’ll probably find that meditation’s effects on your life are major and reach far beyond inspiration.

Avoid overextending yourself

5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down
Start by setting a super easy goal. And then crush it! It feels good to accomplish goals, and you’ll get a natural boost by doing so. So on those days when you’re not quite feeling up to life, go easy on yourself.
Set reasonable goals and try to stick to them. These aren’t the days to shoot for the stars. These are the days to do your best, and hopefully, feel accomplished when it’s over.

Stick to your schedule

5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down 
If you don’t have a schedule, create one. And then stick to it. The mind is a powerful thing, but it can be swayed. The best way to . You don’t have to feel like it’s a good day, but you can act like it is.
Start by powering through every item on your list. Knock out as many as you can, despite the fact that you’d rather do anything else.
Your actions will undoubtedly be the exact opposite of your feelings. But after a while, your emotions are likely to catch up. Once you feel the sense of accomplishment you get from being productive, you may be inspired to do more. Or you may just feel better in general.
When you’re feeling down, you can succumb to those feelings and waste your day or you can do the exact opposite. Even if you still feel down at the end of the day, you’ll have some sense of accomplishment that you wouldn’t otherwise have.
5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down
We all feel down every so often, so your feelings are completely normal. Still, when you have things to do, they won’t wait for you to feel inspired. Take control and try to find inspiration within you. You may have to dig deep, but it’s there.
If you’re feeling a complete sense of hopelessness, you may be batting major depression. Major depression is more than “just feeling down,” and it’s not likely to get better without a serious treatment plan. Talk to a counselor or a close friend about getting help.
Guest post by Trevor McDonald
What are your favorite ways to feel inspired when you are feeling down?
Share your thougths and comments with us.

5 Ways to Feel Inspired in Life When You're Feeling Down - Life requires some level of inspiration. That’s why it’s so difficult to do anything when you’re feeling uninspired or unhappy. When you’re feeling down, you can succumb to those feelings and waste your day or you can do the exact opposite. Take control and try to find inspiration within you.  #inspiration  #feelinginspired  #feelingdown  #feelingdepressed