Middle school is difficult for tweens in more ways than one. They’re trying to navigate their personal style while also feeling compelled to fit in. Supporting your tween in exploring their style is essential to development in these middle school years. Here are some key ways to help them .

Supporting your #tween in exploring their #style is essential to development in these middle school years. Take some time to understand what your #child likes, and what they would like to try. Click To Tweet

3 Ways to Help Your Tween Navigate Their Style  

Talk to Them About What Inspires Them

Asking your tween what celebrities or figures they are inspired by is a good way to help them navigate their personal style. Often times through elementary school, kids are still exploring their style more loosely. Middle school is when children begin to more fully be interested in how they are presented. It is great to teach your tween to engage in the style that inspires them. This will help them understand that it is okay to change and embrace styles that they enjoy or want to explore. It also has been proven effective to discuss who inspires you and why. Establishing positive role models is a healthy conversation to have.
While shopping for clothes in brick-and-mortar stores may be a bit tedious, exhaustive, and time consuming, you and your child can check out all the latest options from the comfort of your own home. Thanks to ecommerce and online shopping, you can ditch the chore of having to sift through overstuffed racks to find the perfect top or pants. By browsing through online catalogs, or better yet by keyword, you can find exactly what you’re looking for in a matter of minutes.
3 Ways to Help Your Tween Navigate Their Style  

It’s Not Just About Clothing Style

Many middle schoolers are searching for an identity, whether they realize it or not. This might mean your tween wants to join art club one day then the soccer team the next. This can be stressful on you and your child, which is why they need your support in these developmental years. It is fantastic to support your child in their ventures.
There are often classes or clubs offered at community centers that allow for tweens, children, and even high schoolers to explore careers or activities they may be interested in. Often these classes could be a one time art class or cooking class. Support your child in branching out and trying new things as they are navigating their personal style. Even if they don’t find their passion through these events, they are meeting new friends and
3 Ways to Help Your Tween Navigate Their Style  

Live By Example With Enthusiasm and Your Own Style Exploration

One of the best ways to influence your kid to be themselves is by being yourself. It has been shown in many cases that children learn by watching their parents and superiors. With that being said, you embracing uniqueness, and make your child more comfortable with embracing uniqueness. This is yet another way to show support in them exploring their personal style.
One way to inspire your tween is by exploring new styles with them. Obviously this doesn’t mean you have to start wearing tutus to work. This could mean playing around with more color in your wardrobe so that your tween feels more comfortable with expressing themselves. Children look up to their parents far more than we think; the best way to lead is by example. This also is a way to remind yourself that we never stop changing as humans.
Take some time to understand what your child likes, and what they would like to try. Make some time to go shopping together, be it at the mall or at home with a treat in hand. This is a fun way to bond and explore personal style for you and your tween.

What are your favorite tips for helping tweens navigate their style?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

3 Ways to Help Your Tween Navigate Their Style - Middle school is difficult for tweens in more ways than one. They’re trying to navigate their personal style while also feeling compelled to fit in. Here are some key ways to support your tween in exploring their style is essential to development. #tweens  #tweenstyle  #clothing  #kidsapparel  #tweenapparel  #clothingstyle  #personalstyle