With modern life being as hectic as it often is, it is more important than ever that we strive to look after ourselves and that includes making sure we rest well. There are many benefits to getting consistent, high quality rest, but for many it can prove to be elusive. So, it is with this in mind that we offer some tips and advice for a good night’s sleep.

A #healthy lifestyle that is underpinned by a sensible daily routine are the main factors when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, feeling stronger, sharper and even living longer – so rest well, #sleep tight and sweet dreams.Click To Tweet

Reasons to Get Your Head Down

Tips and Advice for a Good Night’s Sleep 
There are many reasons why we should all strive to get around eight hours of high quality sleep on a daily basis. When we sleep both our body and our brain are busy repairing and maintaining us.
The results can be nothing short of miraculous. You may see an improvement in your memory for example, you may suffer less inflammation, which can be linked to things like heart disease, your creativity can be enhanced and so too your physical ability when exercising or playing sports.
The list goes on, but needless to say, good sleep is paramount for those of us who are striving to look, feel and perform at our best.

Work Hard Rest Well

Tips and Advice for a Good Night’s Sleep 
One of the best ways of ensuring a good night’s sleep is to be physically active on a regular basis – exercise is key. Expending energy means that your body has more of a requirement for rest and both the length of your sleep and how deeply you sleep are aided by exercise. Deep sleep is particularly important as it is here that we enter the restorative stage that is so good for us.
The recommended amount of time we should spend taking exercise per week is 150 minutes. That’s 5 half hour sessions per week for the average adult.

What to Eat and When to Eat it

Taking Time For Your Needs Isn't Selfish, It's Essential
Besides exercise, our diet is another factor that can help or hinder the quality of the rest we get at night. It may come as no surprise that those of us who eat healthily and at the right times are more likely to enjoy high quality rest.
Top tips include not eating too close to bedtime and choosing what we eat and when to eat it carefully. Breakfast should be a time to fuel up for instance and our evening meals are best kept relatively light and full of nutrients to aid recovery from a long day.
It’s also worth noting that while drinking alcohol may help you get to sleep more easily, the sleep you do get after drinking isn’t very restful and so moderation and infrequent drinking is key.

Setting the Scene

Tips and Advice for a Good Night’s Sleep 
The place that you sleep, your bedroom, is something else worth re-evaluating if you are having problems sleeping or are looking for better quality sleep. Consider elements such as how comfortable your bed is, the temperature of the room and try to avoid TV or other types of screen time for at least an hour before sleep – try a good book instead.
Another determining factor is how dark the room is. If the windows are letting in light from street lamps or other forms of light pollution, then look to companies like to solve the problem.

Sleep Apps

Tips and Advice for a Good Night’s Sleep 
We have recently seen a number of becoming available and although it is not a good idea to use computers or mobile phones close to bedtime, the apps have been designed with that in mind.
Some of the apps simply allow you to track and monitor your sleeping patterns. Others are calming or meditative, playing soothing music or even taking you on guided meditations as a way of relaxing and lulling you into a deep sleep.
A healthy lifestyle that is underpinned by a sensible daily routine are the main factors when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, feeling stronger, sharper and even living longer – so rest well, sleep tight and sweet dreams.
What are your favorite tips for getting a good night’s sleep?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.

 Tips and Advice for a Good Night’s Sleep - There are many benefits to getting consistent, high quality rest, but for many it can prove to be elusive. So, it is with this in mind that we offer some tips and advice for a good night’s sleep. #sleep  #goodnightssleep  #rest  #sleepbetter  #bettersleep