Getting children to eat more fruits and vegetables can be surprisingly difficult. They’ll always find an excuse and they’ll always be on the lookout for a way to escape these healthy foods. If you’re not careful, they’ll eventually get their way and you’ll stop trying. Below, you’ll find tips for ensuring your kids eat more fruits and vegetables, without a fuss.


“Getting children to eat fruits

and vegetables can be surprisingly difficult.

Try these tips to get your kids eat

more fruits and vegetables.”


Risk and Reward

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

First and foremost, you should consider giving your child a reward for eating their fruits and vegetables. This shouldn’t be a long-term solution, but it can prove to be very helpful. For instance, you shouldn’t get your child a reward each day. Instead, you should reward him or her weekly or monthly, if they stick with it.

Make A Game of It

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

If you’re dealing with a much younger child, you should consider making a game out of it. Challenge them to see who can eat the most fruits and vegetables during lunch or throughout the day. There is a good chance that this will get them motivated and they’ll do their best to munch down on these healthy foods.

Mixing It Up

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

Another thing to remember is that children absolutely love some foods, but despise others. Almost all children love pizza. You can definitely use this to your advantage. Consider adding fruits and vegetables to the child’s pizza. You can truly do this with a wide abundance of foods.

Set A Good Example

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

You can pretty much guarantee that your children are not going to eat fruits and vegetables, if you do not eat them. Children will often emulate what they see. If they see you neglecting those healthy foods, there is a good chance that they’ll do the same. Put forth a good example and there is a good chance that your children will follow in your footsteps and eat those healthy foods.

Make It Unique

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

There are numerous ways to make your dinner unique. For starters, you might want to consider signing up for a . Or, you might want to consider having the food delivered. This might not seem like a big deal to you, but it will be for your child. They’ll see that the food was delivered and they’ll be eager to dig in.

If you’re not careful and end up punishing your children, there is a good chance that this stunt will backfire. Children do not being punished and they may lash out as a result. With that being said, you should never punish your child for not being able to finish their vegetables. If you do, there is a good chance that the situation is only going to worsen.

Get Them Involved

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: 8 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Them

Finally, you should do your best to take the child’s preferences into consideration. There is a chance that they prefer certain foods over others. Get your child involved in the conversation. Find out what they want and be sure to add it to your grocery list. By doing this, you will be able to get them involved and this will make them more eager to eat the foods that they’ve selected.


What are your favorite tips for getting your kids to eat more fruits and vegetables?

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8 Ways To Get Kids To Eat More Fruits And Vegetables