Commuting has become a staple of working life; however, that doesn’t make the process any more bearable for those of us who have to spend tons of time on the pavement to get to and from the office.

Unfortunately, , rising to approximately 26 minutes each way for commuters. This ultimately results in hours per week of potentially “lost” time that we can never get back.

Bummer, right? That said, your commute doesn’t have to be a total drag or source of major stress.

Considering that your commute ultimately frames your mood for the rest of the day or evening, respectively, using that time productively and calmly should be a top priority of any office worker. The following four tips can help make your commutes more enjoyable without having to make any major changes.


“Your commute doesn’t have to be a total

drag or source of major stress.

Try these tips to help make your commutes

more  enjoyable without having to

make any major changes.”


Avoid Traffic Headaches

4 Ways to Make the Absolute Most of Your Commute to or from Work

The best way to reduce the stress of your commute is by ensuring that you’re taking the best route every time. If you rely on a GPS every morning, you may want to to determine which one makes the most sense based on your drive.

While Google Maps is great for getting from Point A to Point B, Waze’s dedicated in-app community informs drivers of real-time roadblocks, traffic jams and potential stops that could derail your commute. Knowing about these headaches before they arise could truly transform the quality of your drive.


Try a Different Route

4 Ways to Make the Absolute Most of Your Commute to or from Work

On a related note, sometimes it might pay to switch up your route for the sake of breaking up the monotony of facing the day same drive day-in and day-out. In fact, taking a slightly longer yet scenic route can do wonders for your stress levels and result in a smoother ride as a result. Being on the road for a few extra minutes is oftentimes worthwhile versus having to weave in and out of cars, right?


Rethink Your Morning Coffee

4 Ways to Make the Absolute Most of Your Commute to or from Work

Sometimes it’s the smallest joys during our commute that make the biggest differences, and coffee represents something that most commuters can look forward to on the way to work. That said, those sugary Starbucks drinks could ultimately be taking a toll on your wallet and waistline. In addition, waiting in line or in the drive-thru only contributes to your time spend commuting and have the potential to add stress to your drive.

Instead, consider bringing your own coffee from home to both save time, money and ensure that you’re caffeinated prior to hitting the road.


Listen Up

4 Ways to Make the Absolute Most of Your Commute to or from Work

Rather than sit in silence or listen to the same Top 40 hit, make it a point to or programs such as NPR to actually learn something or otherwise enrich yourself during your drive. If you’re not a fan of listening to talking while driving, you could also make it a point to listen to a new album every week on Spotify and jam out while driving.

Ultimately, listening to new music, audiobooks or programs work to make your drive less boring and could actually give you something to look forward to when you step into the car.

Commutes are an inevitable part of working life, so don’t let them drag you down. You may be surprised at how much better you feel during your commute by following these tips sooner rather than later.


What are your favorite ways to make the most of your commute?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



4 Ways to Make the Absolute Most of Your Commute to or from Work #Commute #Commuting #Work