Many people have tried a detox program in recent years.
The thought of flushing harmful poisons from your body, shedding massive amounts of excess fat,
clearing up your skin, and supercharging your immune system has spread like wildfire through our
“image is everything” society.
If you’ve considered trying a detox or cleanse, or beginning another one, take a moment to do
some research and find which one is the best fit for you.
How Did Detox Start?
The idea of detoxifying the body of harmful substances and restoring the system back to a pure state
has been around for hundreds of years.
In fact, this ancient process can be traced all the way back to Roman, Greek, Native American, and
Indian cultures where people used sweat lodges, fasting, rebounding, dry brush, herbs, rest, water,
meditation, and exercise to purify and cleanse the body.
What Are The Drawbacks Of Detox?
We live in a world where people want instant gratification.
Our fast-paced society has developed ways to speed up this primitive detoxifying process so that
participants can see and experience immediate results.
Unfortunately, many modern detox programs—if not done correctly—can harm the body more
than help.
Nutrition experts across the nation are speaking out about the risks involved with detox; vitamin
and mineral deficiencies, muscle deterioration, blood-sugar issues, and bowel obstruction.
These are all side effects commonly reported by participants after completing a detox.
What Are The Benefits Of Detox?
When done correctly, the right detox can help give your body an energy boost, stronger immune
system, improved sense of well being, and set you up with healthier, long-term eating habits.
One misconception people have when going into a detox is to use it for weight loss.
Although they can assist in a weight loss, they should never be used to lose weight.
Instead, use the detox in order to remove unwanted toxins and other chemicals in your body
— detoxifying the body of harmful substances — giving your new, healthier lifestyle a boost.
This is the time to eliminate sugar, high fat foods, and other unhealthy foods from entering
your body.
Detoxes should never last for longer than 10 days and, if this is your first detox, no longer
than 2 days.
How To Choose The Right Detox for You?
The key to doing a detox is to choose the best program for you.
There is a lot of information out there, many detoxes claiming to be the “be all and do all,”
but what you want is one that assists you in your health goals.
We are all unique and so are our bodies.
Not every detox is right for everyone.
While doing your research, talk with your nutritionist, doctor, and other health professionals
to decide which one would benefit you.
To help you navigate the various detoxes out there, here are 5 options to keep in mind:
1. The Oxygen Colon Cleanse
Combined with a bowel detox formula and a probiotic supplement, this all-natural seven-day
detox uses distilled water, organic or raw apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera juice, to purify
your digestive track.
2. The Candida Cleanse
Candida, aka yeast, can lead to fatigue, headaches, and poor memory.
When doing a candida cleanse diet, omit foods high in sugar, white flour, yeast, and cheese—
anything the causes the candida to grow in your body.
Instead, eat more fresh foods over processed, whole grains, and high fiber.
3. Liquid Cleanse
Ideal for maintaining energy levels, a liquid cleanse includes fresh, organic fruits and veggie
juices, pureed and miso soups, and smoothies.
Experts also advise individuals doing a liquid cleanse to add oils like flax, hemp, coconut,
sesame, and pumpkin seed to fresh water, as these oils help nourish the body’s system.
Side note: when doing a liquid diet, keep it to just a weekend.
4. Master Cleanse

Most people don’t realize the amount of toxic metals they have in their systems.
Mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and lead are natural to the body, but food, drinks,
supplements and vitamins can often increase these levels.
One of the most popular methods for detoxing the body of toxic metals is to complete a
master cleanse twice a year.
For 10 days, only drink lemon water mixed with maple syrup and cayenne pepper (use the
cayenne pepper drops (much easier)—you can find the drops at most health stores).
You can also drink an herbal detox tea, but try to stick to consuming just these beverages.
About the Author
Brooke Cade is passionate about health and wellness. She enjoys writing about all the things she loves in life, including yoga, hydrotherapy, Nature’s Sunshine products, and anything related to living life to its fullest.
Have you tried a cleanse or detox?
What are your favorite ways to detox?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
“Shared on Living a Life of Fitness and Happiness”
Shared at Our Simple Homestead Blog Hop
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Thank you for the inclusion of my article. Well done on this one!
Hi Trish,
You’re welcome! I am so glad you shared your gems with us! We appreciate it!
I have done a Master Cleanse twice a year for about 20 years. Nature Sunshine Products has an old recipe which works very well for me. 3 oz. water or juice, 3 oz. liquid aloe vera juice, 2 tablespoons Hydrated Bentonite and 2 tablespoons liquid Chlorophyll. Drink this mixture twice a day for about 10-14 days. I know when I am thoroughly cleansed because my skin is CLEAR looking. .
Hi Constance,
I am delighted that you shared your valuable insights on your Master Cleanse experiences with us. We appreciate it.
I’ve done a lot of detoxing and cleanses over the years but I’ve never done the Master Cleanse. Somehow it just didn’t seem right for me. I started with a candida cleanse many years ago when a doctor who did kinesiology told me I had an intestinal overgrowth. Since then I’ve done quite a few different bowel cleanses including the Bernard Jensen one which involved a colema board. I’ve done juice fasting and the less intensive Gerson therapy which consisted of 6 x 8 oz vegetable juices a day and one coffee enema as well as a special diet of low cooked food. I’ve done some far-infrared detox as well and just recently I had 6 sessions on an Iratherm which makes you sweat and raises the core body temperature. You could say I’m a bit of a detox junkie! Nice article.