How to Adopt a Detox Lifestyle, While Still Getting on With Your Life

With a few simple changes, you can ease into a healthy, detox lifestyle.

Are you a busy, multi-tasking, goal-oriented achiever trying to juggle all of
the demands on your “to-do-list”?
Do you relish the satisfaction that comes from checking off everything on
your list?
Well, here’s an important question: Is detoxification on your “to-do list”?
Some may wonder: Why do we need detoxification?
And, who has time for that?
Maybe it’s time to make some time…
Let’s think about it…
As you go about your everyday activities, your body has mechanism in place
for ridding itself of toxins that could lead to health problems.
When you use the bathroom, exhale, and sweat, your body is excreting substances
for which it has no use or that might cause harm.
However, the organs involved in these processes sometimes get overwhelmed 
and need a break.
Like any system that works 24 hours a day, the human body sometimes just needs
some “down time.”

“In some cultures and religions, “down time”

or fasting is a regular part of religious observance.

A “detox” is a sort of variation of the fasting theme,

designed to purify and cleanse.”

Perhaps you know of people who have paid large sums of money, and spent 
weeks in expensive detox “camps” where their diets are strictly regulated.
Maybe you know friends who have received enemas, gone on lengthy, time-
consuming fasts, or otherwise had to take large amounts of time out of their
lives to detox.
It can feel a bit intimidating to hear about other people’s detoxification efforts.
But clearly, we can gain valuable prevention and healing benefits by following
a detox regimen properly.

Benefits of Detoxification

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Detoxification is helpful in cleansing the blood and lymphatic systems.

1. Cleansing your body’s organs
Detoxification is helpful in cleansing the blood and lymphatic systems, cleansing the colon
of impurities, and giving the kidneys and liver – the main blood filtering organs – a rest.
As the intake of toxins is curtailed in a detox, the body has a chance to release stored toxins.
2. Removing toxins stored in your fat tissue
Interestingly, most agricultural chemicals, especially pesticides, are fat-soluble.
This means they tend to accumulate in fatty tissue in the body, and are found in higher
concentrations in high-fat foods.
As you undergo a detox, you begin to lose some fat, and as the fat gets “loosened up,” the toxins
get released from it.
3. Improved sense of well-being & physical healing
Detox diets are also touted as a means by which people can correct some health problems
and illnesses.
There are tons of studies documenting cases where discomforts and illnesses–including ulcers,
depression, certain cancers and general inflammation–have been relieved with the help of
carefully-executed, detox diets.

What if You Just Cannot Slow Down?

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

What can you do when it seems like time isn’t on your side?

Now, don’t get me wrong, fasting and cleansing are healthy regimens that I clearly respect
and embrace.
But some of us cannot “just stop our lives”, in order to coordinate a hard-core detox.
(I know it is often hard for me to put the breaks on my own hectic schedule.)
Sometimes, it seems like we just don’t have enough time in our already busy days to manage the
additional requirements of a strict detox regimen.
There has to be an easier way…
Wouldn’t you like to “detoxify”, while still getting on with your life?
I certainly want to.
It’s critcally important to taking care of ourselves and staying healthy.

Make it Easy on Yourself

If you want to “give your body a break” and release harmful toxins without abruptly
changing all of your normal routines– instead of a quick fix, try to ease into it.
Gradually make detoxification your natural “way of life”.

Here are some healthy and effective “lifestyle adjustments” you can make to
incorporate detoxification into your own life–at your own pace–to reduce your
toxic load.

Make Time for Meditation

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Meditation can incorporate visualization and energy channeling to move toxins out of the body.

Many proponents of detoxification claim that meditation helps cleanse the mind and body.
Because meditation relaxes the body and brings focus, it makes sense that it would be a
healthy means of personal cleansing.
Some practitioners of meditation use visualization and energy channeling to move 
toxins out of the body.
Meditation can easily be worked into your schedule, by being performed every day or just a
couple of times a week.

Eat Raw, Organic Vegetables & Fruits

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Eat more fresh, organic, raw fruits and vegetables.

Much of the principle behind this type of detoxification is to reduce the intake of toxins,
as well as flushing them from the system.
In this kind of detox, you simply eat only raw,  organic,  fruits and vegetables for 
two or three days, and drink only pure, filtered water, herbal teas, or diluted fruit juice.
All foods consumed in this detox diet need to be organic.

Shake Things Up: Organic Smoothie Detox

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Incorporate fresh, organic smoothies into your diet.

Juice fasts are a common, and popular, detoxification method.
However, smoothies can also be made for a quick, nutritious, creative detox.
As long as the ingredients are fresh and organic, and based on fruits and vegetables,
you can blend all sorts of smoothies for your daily meals.
Some foods to consider in your smoothies are organic kale, broccoli, spinach,  dandelion, 
apples (unpeeled), berries, citrus fruits, pears, peaches, and so forth.
Another advantage of the smoothie detox is that you can add any supplements you want to
take to the smoothie ingredients–such as probiotics or fiber–before mixing them in the blender.

Design An Overall Detox Lifestyle

In addition to the detox tips above, if you haven’t done so already, begin to make the 
healthy, detoxifying practices, that follow, an integral part of your life.
In short, put these on your daily, to-do list!

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Put these healthy, detoxifying practices on your daily to-do list.

• Switch to organic, whole, fresh foods rather than conventionally grown, processed,
or prepackaged foods.
 Exercise regularly because it keeps things moving in the body, and induces sweating,
another form of detox your body naturally employs.
 How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

In addition to dietary changes, make regular exercise part of your detox lifestyle.
Exercise induces sweating, another form of detox your body naturally employs.


“Instead of a temporary detox diet,

you can make key lifestyle changes to

detoxify your body and keep it that way.”

• Use only natural, toxin-free cleaners to clean your home or make your own.
• Read labels carefully and use only natural, toxin-free soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and styling products.

How to ease into a detox lifestyle while still getting on with your life

Reduce your exposure to toxins by choosing natural, organic personal
care products like these natural, handmade shea butter soaps.

• If you eat meat, only eat it a couple of times a week, and switch to organic,
grass-fed, free-range meats and sustainable seafood.
*Substitute with vegetarian protein sources such as beans, peas, nuts, green vegetables,
soy proteins and more.
• Cut back on dairy products and replace with non-dairy, organic substitutes.
Reduce your refined sugar intake and, when you do need a sweetener, consider
maple syrup, agave, stevia, dates and other natural sweeteners.
• Drink plenty of clean, pure, filtered water and start your day with a glass of
alkalizing, fresh-squeezed lemon water.
 How to Adopt a Detox Lifestyle, While Still Getting on With Your Life

Rise and shine with a glass of detoxifying, fresh lemon water each morning.

Give Your Body a Break

These lifestyle adjustments are not as bad as you expected, right?
Give your system a break and release harmful toxins by gradually making
detoxification your regular “way of life”.
A few simple changes over time can result in a life filled with increased health and wellness.
And that sounds good to me!
What else are you doing to detox your lifestyle? Share your suggestions and experiences.
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