Switching to a vegan diet can be a major lifestyle change, especially if you’re used to consuming a lot of animal products. However, if you’ve been thinking about going vegan, this summer can be a great time to do so! To help convince you to take this leap of faith, I am sharing the top reasons why you should go vegan that will benefit your, mind, body, and the environment.

One of the most important benefits of going #vegan is that it has much less of an impact on the #environment than eating a meat-based diet. Another benefit is that, by switching to a vegan diet, you’ll likely consume much more fresh, #healthy produce. Click To Tweet

The Benefits: An Overview

Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer
One of the most important benefits of going vegan is that it also has much less of an impact on the environment than eating a meat-based diet. Cultivating massive amounts of livestock contributes to our global every year. Not only that, but we put our bodies at risk by consuming meat that has been treating with hormones and antibiotics. If you choose to reduce your meat intake instead of eliminating it completely from your regular diet, it helps to switch to sustainable meats like grass-fed and free-range meat.
Another great benefit is that, by switching to a vegan diet, you’ll likely consume much more fresh (healthy) produce. This in turn can increase your intake of antioxidants, which are great for fighting free radical damage. These nutrient-rich foods also promotes a healthy gut as they’re potent in reducing inflammation. Last but not least, research has shown !

Many Delicious Veggies & Fruits Are in Season

Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer
One of my favorite reasons why you should consider is because there are so many scrumptious veggies and fruits in season in the summer. And since you’re cutting out your consumption of all animal products, to stay healthy, you’ll want to supplement that with to make up for any you’re likely to miss out on.
When heading to the grocery store or your local farmer’s market, in the summer months, there are a variety of fresh veggies you can stock up on. Great options to pick up and start incorporating into your meals include:

  • Carrots: You can start snacking on carrots or adding them to a homemade soup to soak up their benefits. They’re rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, have been shown to decrease your and stroke, and they’re also great for promoting good oral health. Carrots can also reduce your risk of developing cataracts and macular-degeneration later in life, as well as other age-related eye issues.
  • Zucchini: This summer, swap out your usual wheat pasta for zucchini noodles. They’re low in calories, but they’re also anti-inflammatory. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods on a regular basis is essential for improving digestion and repairing leaky gut issues.
  • Bell Peppers: For good mental health, bell peppers are a great option because they contain vitamin B6. This will increase your body’s levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, which are known mood and energy boosters. Note that if you’re low in your vitamin B6 consumption, you risk developing a so be sure to include bell peppers in your summer salads!

Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer
Since fruits are the highest quality during the summer months, you’ll want to take advantage and enjoy them before fall rolls back around! Not only that, but these fruits contain a variety of benefits, including:

  • Strawberries: For a high source of antioxidants, strawberries are great because they contain flavanols, quercetrin, uteolin, and gallic acid.
  • Tomatoes: It’s no secret that tomatoes contain lycopene, but did you know that it can help prevent cancer? That’s one great reason to eat tomatoes, but they’re also anti-inflammatory and provide benefits for your skin as well.
  • Blueberries: These little berries not only taste good but they also benefit heart health, bone strength, skin health, blood pressure, and even mental health.

Unsure as to what other vegan friendly meals you can have beyond salads and sandwiches ? Not to worry, lucky for you, there’s an abundance of and websites that offer scrumptious recipes that will make it easier for you to say farewell to animal products.
Additionally, these days, there are tons of vegan meal delivery options available out there that will help you to transition to a plant-based lifestyle in an easy-to-follow way.

It Can Help You to Finally Shed Those Extra Pounds

Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer
Let’s face it, many of us are concerned about our physical appearance when summer rolls around. If you’re planning to hit the beach, you obviously want to feel confident when you do. And for many people, that leaves them wanting to shed a few pounds before it warms up.
As it turns out, going vegan can possibly help you ditch the extra weight you’ve been wanting to get rid of. The best part is that you don’t have to restrict your caloric intake to see results either.
A study showed that people follow a vegan or vegetarian diet were able to see greater weight loss than those who were pesco-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, or omnivorous. Although the exact reasoning why is unknown, it’s most likely due to improvements in the macronutrient content of the foods they were consuming on a plant-based diet.

Cold Veggies & Fruits Cool You Down

Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer
And finally, cold veggies and fruits make for the perfect treat during those hot summer days. When you need to cool off, snacking on a bowl of chilled fruit not only feels refreshing, but it tastes great as well. Plus, you don’t have to feel guilty about it afterwards.
Most fruits don’t need further processing or preparation. Watermelons for example, make a refreshing treat when served as is! All you have to do is cut it up and it is ready to be enjoyed.
Not only that, but vegetables and fruits are also packed with nutrients and vitamins to keep your body functioning properly in the heat. They’re great for keeping your body hydrated so you can feel and be at your best all summer long.
About the Author
Dan Scalco is a writer, a health enthusiast, and an entrepreneur. He enjoys researching and writing about various effective ways people can reduce their stress, increase productivity, and live an overall better life. He is also a contributor writer to .
Have you considered adopting a vegan diet?
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Awesome Reasons Why You Should Go Vegan This Summer - Switching to a vegan diet can be a major lifestyle change. If you’ve been thinking about going vegan, this summer can be a great time to do so! Here are reasons why you should go vegan that benefit your, mind, body, and the environment. #vegan #plantbaseddiet #govegan #veganbenefits