Pain can really wreak havoc on our sleep! But good quality sleep is restorative and vital for healing.

My husband has suffered from lower back pain off and on for several years and he has tried every position imaginable to get a good night’s sleep.

I recently had oral surgery and my mouth throbbed all night–robbing me of precious sleep–until I found a comfortable sleeping position on my back.

I also fell and injured my right upper arm last winter, making it nearly impossible to sleep on my side for weeks.

Suffice it to say, my husband and I both tossed and turned throughout the night trying to find the right positions so we could get some much needed rest.

What Are the Best Sleeping Positions for Injuries and Pain?

Have you had similar experiences with pain or injuries?

Did you reposition your body in order to get a good night’s sleep?

We’ve all slept through the night with bumps and bruises. But for serious injuries that affect people of all shapes and sizes, like lower back pain, broken arms or ribs, attempting to sleep can mean a restless night full of pain.

Trying to sleep in the wrong position with an injury can also exacerbate the injury, making it worse than it already is. Realizing that customers could be missing out on a good night of sleep due to injuries regardless of the mattress, Dromma put together a guide to the best sleeping positions for injuries. Did you know that the best position for hip pain is on your side?


Sleeping in the wrong position with an injury can exacerbate it, making it worse. Click To Tweet


Your Body Repairs Itself While You Snooze

What Are the Best Sleeping Positions for Injuries and Pain?

Your body starts to repair muscle and bone tissue while asleep. Muscle and bone tissue starts to regenerate. Levels of adrenaline and corticosteroids decline while we sleep, and instead our bodies produce HGH — the human growth hormone. This protein promotes growth while repairing muscles and bones.

While you’re asleep, your immune system is hard at work fighting infection too. Did you know that your body pumps tumor necrosis factor (TNF) through your blood while you sleep–a cancer-killing cell signalling protein. Studies have found that sleep deprived adults were more prone to infections. Yet another vital reason to get more, good quality sleep.

Deep sleep speeds up the skin’s metabolic rate, and cell production is increased. Studies have found that sleep deprivation causes wounds to heal more slowly–so finding the right sleeping position is critical for sleeping better.


Best Sleeping Positions for Injuries and Pain

What Are the Best Sleeping Positions for Injuries and Pain?

You can learn more in the helpful below:

The Best Sleeping Positions For Injuries and Pain




Have you suffered with joint and back pain?

What sleeping positions worked for you?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.