
Drugs Without Prescription: How They Can Land You In Trouble

By |2021-01-28T17:46:47-05:00January 28th, 2021|Categories: Business, Health, Healthy Living, Legal|Tags: , , |

Using and sharing prescription drugs without a recommendation from a doctor does not sound like a big deal, but it can land you in deep trouble. There are federal and state laws against it, so picking a pill from your medicine cabinet can have implications more serious than you imagine. You should not use one prescribed [...]

Ibogaine: Important Things You Must Know About This Addiction Treatment

By |2018-04-28T20:18:31-04:00April 28th, 2018|Categories: Addiction, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , |

There has been an increase in the overdose rates related to opioids in the United States; with heroin overdose rates increasing from 5,000 in 2010 to 15,000 in 2016. Other dangerous opioids, such as Fentanyl which caused 20,000 overdoses in 2016, are also on the rise. What are opioids? Opioids are simply defined as a type [...]

How to Prevent Toxic Dangers in Your Home

By |2018-02-18T19:11:06-05:00February 18th, 2018|Categories: Green & natural home, Green living, Living Green, Living Green|Tags: , , , , , , |

You do your best to keep your family safe from all the dangers they run into outside of your home, but how often do you consider the toxic dangers that they run into inside your own doors? Every day, we live around numerous toxins, and whether they’re airborne or ingested, they can cause great harm if [...]

Tips for Handling the Stressful Things in Life

By |2017-07-26T23:15:28-04:00July 26th, 2017|Categories: Health & Wellness, Healthy Living, Stress|Tags: , , , , |

We all have a certain amount of stress that we experience every single day. Sure, there might be some days where there is no stress at all, like when you have decided to stay in bed all day while watching movies and eating pizza that you had delivered to your home. However, other than those types [...]

Should You Use Drug Test Kits in the Home?

By |2016-02-04T18:09:11-05:00February 4th, 2016|Categories: Addiction, Family, Health & Wellness, Healthy Living|Tags: , , , , , |

It’s not a nice thing to think about, but drug use amongst young people is a reality parents these days have to face. Drug test kits are available for home use, but should you make your kids take the test? As much as it won’t be an easy thing to do, there are actually several good [...]

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