If you or someone close to you has a problem with snoring, maybe you will want to learn a little bit more about this phenomenon. It seems like a pretty simple thing — watching it from the distance — but there are many critical aspects and facts that you should know about snoring. Some of them will change your perspective on this issue for a lifetime!
You are not the only one
Maybe sometimes it looks like you are the only person who snores — or the only one whose partner snores. This is absolutely not true. Studies showed that around 45% of the world population has this issue. Men’s percentage of the population took a bigger share in the number of examinees, but ladies have a large part also.

People who snore are usually shy because of this fact. They avoid even talking about it. Other people, who don’t snore roll their eyes when they hear someone does that, or make light of it. The situation is not easy at all for the snorer. Members of the family or his/her partner may change rooms while the snorer is sleeping. It is important to remember – this person doesn’t do this intentionally. He/she will need support in resolving this issue. Knowing that they have someone who understands and wants to help in this process will encourage them.

Unhealthy habits
Ingredients, pills or drinks a person takes throughout the day may severely affect their snoring. Unhealthy habits may cause snoring – even for someone who doesn’t have preconditions for it. Repeating those habits day after day will make your whole system suffer. So, if you did’t snore when you where younger, but do snore now – the answer is in your lifestyle.
Almost every smoker snores, even people who quit smoking. Cigarette smoke goes through your nose, throat, and lungs. And where does snoring begin? In your throat, right? Smoke irritation usually produces dry throat and inflammation. We would recommend that you not smoke before going to bed, but quitting cigarettes is the best possible solution.
Fatty food will make you chubby. No matter in which areas you usually gain weight, your throat will be stuffed with fat deposits. It will narrow the airway through the throat, making the tissues closer. Because of this, breathing will produce a dry sound – snoring.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of exercise. Take a long walk every day, go running, hike a mountain, whatever you like – just be active. Your organs will be thankful, especially your nose, throat, heart, and lungs. The fresh air will cleanse your airways and you will snore less.

You are what you eat
This is a common phrase, but it makes sense. The food you eat can affects your whole system. Don’t be surprised when you hear that the food you eat before going to bed will probably make you snore. Nutritionists advise going to sleep with an empty stomach.
Spicy food will spice up the situation. It can produce inflammation of the throat fluids. Avoid eating junk food or sweets too. Drinks, especially alcohol, fall into the category of the causes of snoring. It is true that alcohol may relax you a bit and help you fall asleep, but it will also relax muscles in your throat. This will cause the breathing path to collapse.
Feeling tired for days?
We know that life imposes an intense tempo, but you should always have those eight hours of sleep. One night without proper sleep is pretty hard to compensate. It is very important to have continuity when it comes to the hours of sleep you get. If you are tired and haven’t slept well for a few days, chances are pretty high that you will snore.

Do yourself a favor
It is true that you have to look after yourself. Getting enough sleep every day, eating healthy food and exercising can definitely improve the quality of your life. However, if you already live up to the rules, and still snore, you may feel lost. Many people out there looked for a solution for years, until this invention appeared.
Well, here is the answer – get yourself a mouthpiece. It is pretty simple to use and doesn’t take a special effort. The reviews of other users can be helpful here. If you read at least one how to stop snoring mouthpiece review, we bet that you will order one of these.
Of course, you will want to help yourself or someone you love to stop snoring. The great news is that there is a way to stop snoring. Never stop trying. Step-by-step, you will find, or buy a solution.
Do you or someone you love snore a lot?
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