How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

Midnight snacking is a condition that affects a lot of us.

Just as we snuggle on the couch with a plan to binge watch Netflix, it strikes – suddenly

and out of nowhere – the overwhelming temptation to raid the freezer for ice cream,

sweets and desserts.

How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

Why it is that mid-night snacking is discouraged by everybody who cares, from your mom

to your fitness trainer?


“If you love fries and oily snacks,

you are doing more damage to

your body than you know.”


Midnight snacks become dangerous when you go for the unhealthy options like fried and

sugary stuff, and caffeinated drinks.

How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

A study by University of California says that midnight binging can adversely affect your

brain function, especially the hippocampus.

This is the part of the brain that helps us in learning and creating memories.

How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

If you love fries and oily snacks, you are doing more damage to your body than you know.

Your kidneys have a hard time filtering the toxins that come into your body with junk food.

Also, most processed snacks have traces of harmful trans fats in them, which accumulate

in your liver.

Over time, this will lead to liver dysfunction and other diseases.


“Midnight snacks become dangerous

when you go for the unhealthy options

like fried and sugary stuff, and

caffeinated drinks.”


If you cannot do without your pre-sleep snacks, go for healthier choices like fruits, nuts,

organic non-dairy cheeses, multi-grain toasts, dry figs, or a bite or two of heart-healthy

dark chocolate.

How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

Health and nutrition guidelines are not meant to dissuade foodies from eating the food they love.

You can undo some of the damage that unhealthy food does to your body by working out regularly,

eating healthy as often as you can, and choosing low-calorie and fat-free desserts.

How Midnight Snacking Can Adversely Affect Your Health - Infographic

Let’s see what our vital organs think about the midnight-snacking habit.

A Concise Guide to Staying Healthy – as Told by the Organs


Infographic courtesy of
 Are you a midnight snacker?
What types of foods do you snack on most often?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.