Want to hear a secret that may change your life?
Our bodies have a critical gut-brain connection that directly affects our immune system.
We have always known that we are what we eat.
Now there is incredible evidence by leading scientists, researchers, nutritionists, and neurologists
showing that our diets are responsible for our gut health.
In turn, our gut health is responsible for our brain functionality, immunology, energy levels,
and metabolism.
“Research shows that the modern diet causes
some of the most common debilitating conditions
of the brain such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
New research is now indicating that many of
these can be completely avoided by adopting a
whole-foods, plant-based “paleo” vegan diet.”
Dr. David Perlmutter, a leading neurologist from Naples, Fl., shows in his best-selling book,
“Grain Brain”, how a Paleo-style diet is the best way to protect your gut and your brain.
In fact, in an interview posted on WebMD, Dr. Perlmutter blames most of today’s industrialized
ingredients for common ailments that affect brain and gut function.
In fact, research shows that the modern diet causes some of the most common debilitating conditions
of the brain such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Interestingly, new research is now indicating that many of these can be completely avoided by adopting
a whole-foods, plant-based “paleo” vegan diet.
What is a Paleo-Vegan Diet?

The short answer, the paleo diet is a way of eating that is modeled on eating a variety of whole-food,
naturally-sourced food types that our hunter-gatherer forefathers had available to them.
You see, humans have been in existence on earth for approximately 6 million years and the modern
human evolved only about 200,000 years ago.
With such a long evolutionary period, the human body was meant for a particular diet – one derived
from the goodness that Mother Nature offers us.
The “paleo” vegan diet is one based around this concept, but with the exclusion of animal products.
The concept of “paleo” has gained a lot of traction in recent times, as we become more aware, and
begin to question our structured agricultural farming practices which only emerged 10,000 years
ago and our incessant food processing which began much later, after the industrial revolution.
What this “food evolution” means for our gut and brain health, is that our bodies are unable to
function efficiently on most of the modern foods we have access to.
As a vegan (or aspiring vegan), you already understand the effects of meat on both the health of
your own body, and Mother Natures’, but it’s important to consider other elements of the food
you eat – grains, sugars, carbohydrates, mass-produced vegetables – which all impact the health
and functionality of your brain and gut.
A paleo-vegan diet is a great way to train yourself to eating more wholesome, natural foods.
“It’s important to consider other elements of
the food you eat – grains, sugars, carbohydrates,
mass-produced vegetables – which all impact the
health and functionality of your brain and gut.”
How a Paleo-Vegan Diet Improves Your Gut and Brain Function
The functionality of your gut and brain, and the level of wellness you experience in life, all comes
down to what you eat.
That’s where a paleo-vegan diet can help.
Eating the way nature intended, including whole foods, unprocessed ingredients, and plenty of leafy
greens into your meals, is what it’s all about.
If that sounds like too much work, there are a number of paleo meal delivery options available, that
do the work for you!
So how specifically will a paleo-vegan diet improve your gut and brain functionality?
You’ll Eat Less Sugar
Fungi, yeast, and pathogenic bacteria thrive within your gut when supplied with sugar, especially
the refined, manufactured variety.
This highly-concentrated sugar is absorbed really quick early within the gastrointestinal tract.
While it provides quick energy, it also leads to a sudden and huge crash.
Switching to a whole food, vegan-style diet can help to cut out all kinds of sugars from your diet,
except for raw stevia and fruit.
You’ll Eat Less Processed Food

The more a food is processed, the more harmful ingredients it is likely to contain.
Natural, plant-based, vegan ingredients stand a better chance of passing through the gastro-
intestinal tract and feeding the microbiota.
Anything that is boxed, tinned, or canned and contains more than 3 ingredients can be counted
as processed food.
Real whole foods provide better benefits for your gut and brain functionality, and your immune
system as well.
Your Diet Will Include More Prebiotic, “Living” Foods
Paleo-vegan meals are more likely to include more prebiotic foods than a conventional diet will.
Foods such as fermented vegetables, kimchi, kefir, and natural pickles, are all examples of prebiotic
foods that have naturally-occurring bacteria that feed the good bacteria in your gut.
They are also full of natural fibers.
Vegan = Natural Ingredients = More Life
Your gut and brain function, and the level of wellness you experience in life, is directly affected by
the foods you eat.
The biggest part of a paleo-vegan diet is to eat foods that are natural – so if it comes from the freezer
section, in a box, a tin, or canned, then you probably shouldn’t eat it.
Your gut and brain health are important for the quality of your life into the future, so do them a favor
and enjoy a meal that nature intended.
Have you explored or considered the brain and gut health benefits of a paleo-vegan diet?
What do think about it?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
HI Deborah,
Very good article. I find that we all must find what works for our own bodies. I do believe that the Paleo diet is a good healthy diet for many people and I have known quite a few people to lose weight on it. I do believe we all need to stay away from processed foods as much as possible and to eat as many fermented foods as we can. Thanks for sharing your valuable information and sharing on Real Food Fridays blog hop. Pinned & twitted!
Deborah, this is such a wonderful post! I like the concept of the Paleo diet and agree with many aspects of this lifestyle – I’m just not a big meat eater! Avoiding processed foods had such a positive effect on my body and well being. Thanks for sharing such an informative post! Pinning, tweeting and stumbling!
Very good article Deborah. I find the paleo-vegan diet interesting and it definitely has merits & benefits to it. Avoiding much of the processed food that we currently over-consume would help with so many health issues that people seem to be facing.
On the other hand, I do find the paleo diet in general a little restrictive, which can also lead to health problems. I think balance is good =)
Thanks so much for sharing this at Healthy Vegan Fridays. I’m pinning & sharing =)