American workers are stressed. So much so, in fact, that the workplace has now become the fifth leading cause of death. And a study by the American Psychological Association, showed that most people consider work their number one source of stress. Culturally, Americans have some work to do when it comes to work-life balance.

Luckily, businesses and individuals are beginning to recognize how important work-life balance is to productivity, mental health, happiness and society as a whole. Companies are beginning to implement policies that help workers unplug from work, and the millennial generation is leading the charge toward more balanced values and priorities.

While we wait for the cultural shift toward balance, there are things individuals can do to establish a better equilibrium between their work and home lives.

Here are some steps you can take to bring more balance to your day-to-day.

Manage your time better

Feeling Stressed? 12 Apps to Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance 

Eliminating time leaks, and working more efficiently can improve productivity and keep your job responsibilities from overflowing into your personal time.

Recharge your mind by taking breaks

Feeling Stressed? 12 Apps to Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance 

Productivity actually improves when workers take lunch breaks and micro breaks throughout the day. Plus, resting during the day will give your brain a chance to think about things other than work.

Unplug and set boundaries

Feeling Stressed? 12 Apps to Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance 

Setting boundaries for yourself, as well as for your employer, coworkers and clients, is an important element of work-life balance. Turn off notifications after hours and try our hardest to leave work at work to improve work-life balance.

Practice Mindfulness to Improve Focus

Feeling Stressed? 12 Apps to Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance 

Make sure you are physically and mentally in the same place by practicing mindfulness. When you’re at work, be at work. When you’re at home, be present there, too.

To help you bring more balance to your days, the team at has put together a list of the best apps for work-life balance in this infographic.



Infographic source:


What are your favorite ways to achieve work-life balance?

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