There are few things more pleasing than a ripe and juicy peach that is in season. Peaches come from the tree Prunus persica and are thought to have been first domesticated around 8,000 years ago in China. They are related to plums, apricots and almonds and are considered drupes or stone fruit as the flesh surrounds a shell with an edible seed inside. 

Aside from their delicious taste and handsome appearance, peaches possess a range of health benefits. Let’s take a closer look.

Aids Digestion

Peaches can contribute to healthy digestion. A medium-sized fruit contains about 2 grams of fiber, half of which is water-soluble and half of which is not. Insoluble fiber bulks up the stool, thus aiding the removal of food from the body and reducing the likelihood of constipation. 

Soluble fiber helps promote healthy bacteria in your intestines. This bacteria produces short-chain fatty acids, which feed your gut cells. These short-chain fatty acids may help reduce inflammation and improve digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. 

Peach flowers are also used in traditional Chinese medicine as a digestive aid. Healthy digestion can do wonders for your energy levels and overall health. Visit for more tips on living a healthy life, naturally. 

The Health Benefits of Peaches

May Help With Allergy Symptoms

Your body releases histamines when exposed to allergens as a response to the immune system trying to help the body rid itself of them. Histamines are part of your body’s response and include sneezing, coughing and itching. Studies have shown that peaches help reduce allergy symptoms by preventing the release of histamines in the blood. 


May Help Prevent Certain Types of Cancer 

Peaches, alongside most fruits, possess beneficial plant compounds that provide some protection against various types of cancers. Peach skin, specifically, is rich in carotenoids and caffeic acid, which are two antioxidants shown to have anti-cancer properties. 

Peaches are also rich in polyphenols, which are plant compounds that are known to reduce and hinder the growth of cancerous cells, while causing no harm to normal cells. 

The Health Benefits of Peaches

Photo by LuAnn Hunt on Unsplash 

Good for Your Skin

The high vitamin C content of peaches makes them beneficial for your skin. Vitamin C is known to help smooth wrinkles and reduce dark circles underneath the eyes. Aside from eating peaches, you can also make a face mask by crushing half a peach and mixing it with a tablespoon of yogurt, and leaving it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes. 

The Bottom Line

Peaches are a delicious and widely available summer fruit from the tree Prunus persica thought to have been domesticated some 8,000 years ago. Aside from the pleasingly sweet and juicy taste of this fruit, it also contains a whole host of beneficial health properties.

Peaches are good for your digestion as they contain a good amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can add bulk to your stool and generate good bacteria for your gut. Like most fruit, peaches also contain polyphenols which can fight against various kinds of cancer. They are also helpful against allergy symptoms and promote healthy skin. 


Are you eating enough peaches?

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 The Health Benefits of Peaches  - There are few things more pleasing than a ripe and juicy peach that is in season. Aside from their delicious taste and handsome appearance, peaches possess a range of health benefits. Like most fruit, peaches also contain polyphenols which can fight against various kinds of cancer. They are also helpful against allergy symptoms and promote healthy skin. #healthbenefitsofpeaches  #peach #peaches #peachhealthbenefits