Developing habits for a long, fulfilling life is (literally) a lifetime journey.

Not only does it take persistence and patience, but also giving up some of the things we hold close to our heart. Although it might be tough at first, letting go of the unhealthy habits that prevent us from being the best we can be is a hard road; however, that’s why we’ve decided to do a rundown of the seven most common habits people have that prevent a long life, as well as how to finally kick them to the curb.



7 Habits to Quit For a Longer Life

1.   Smoking

One of the worst habits that contribute to an early death–smoking is a definite killer. As sad as it might seem, even those who quit smoking usually end up dying earlier than those who never smoked before. Yes, smoking is something that absolutely deteriorates the body, which is why if you haven’t quit yet, there’s no better time than now.

Not only are there some , but you can also rest easy in knowing that you’ll be moving away from cigarettes for good.


2.   Eating and Drinking Unhealthy

Although many of us love our daily or weekly treats, some of them we’re doing in excess. A great example of this is with sugary beverages, which, as noted by the CDC, nearly 50 percent of US adults drink a sugary beverage daily; which isn’t great for you. Instead, learning how to have a more balanced diet in what you like versus what’s best for you is a necessity–giving you the chance to start earning more years back to your lifespan.

7 Habits to Quit For a Longer Life

3.   Drinking In Excess

A huge deterrent to a healthier lifestyle standing in a lot of peoples’ way is drinking in excess. As noted by Science Daily, drinking two to three times per week or more can increase your likelihood of premature death by up to 20 percent. Granted, that doesn’t mean everyone who might go a little over that limit is seriously in danger; however, monitoring and being mindful of your intake can help a lot in regulating how much damage you’re doing to your body. Especially if you haven’t taken a break in a while, drinking in excess can harm both your short and long-term health if you’re not careful.


4.   Party Drugs

An intensive thing for your body to digest, party drugs can definitely shorten your lifespan. Beyond the extremities of heroin, crack, or meth, drugs like cocaine can quadruple the risk of sudden death in people between 19 to 49. Even if you find yourself using drugs like this occasionally, it’s good to be mindful of consumption, as the long-term effects can be detrimental.

7 Habits to Quit For a Longer Life

5.   Not Getting Proper Sleep

Although we all have our late nights, not getting enough sleep consistently can have detrimental effects on your health. In fact, someone who has had a heart attack or stroke is 3 times more likely to die of cancer from getting a lack of sleep. When factoring in other underlying problems, a lack of sleep can leave your immune system especially vulnerable. Allocate enough time in your schedule to get the sleep you need–investing some of the most important time you can into yourself.


6.   Neglecting Exercise

Everyone knows they should exercise but seldom do people keep up with it. Although it can be difficult to take 30 minutes per day out of a busy schedule, it can help tremendously with extending your life. In fact, running alone can reduce the risk of early death, giving you a great reason to pick up the habit. And, if exercise is a relatively new thing for you, don’t hesitate to even throw in a daily walk or bike ride as an easy form of getting active–as the goal is to bring it on as a lifetime habit.

7 Habits to Quit For a Longer Life

7.   Overthinking The Minor Things

Believe it or not, people can worry themselves to death. Although it sounds silly, overthinking small things and causing anxiety over minor issues can actually have a long-term detrimental effect on your health. Instead, learning how to regulate stress and anxiety can help quite a bit with not only your lifespan extending, but making your day-to-day better too. Often, anxiety is manifested by other triggers, which once you figure out what those are and how to address them, you’ll be in a much better place to grow into a healthier, happier you.


Which unhealthy habits are you trying to change?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



7 Habits to Quit For a Longer Life - Developing habits for a long, fulfilling life is (literally) a lifetime journey. Although it might be tough at first, letting go of the unhealthy habits that prevent us from being the best we can be and living a long life can be quite challenging, but it is important to kick them. Here are the seven most common habits people have that prevent a long life, as well as how to finally kick them to the curb.  #badhabits  #unhealthyhabits  #quitsmoking  #drinking  #drugs  #insomnia  #sleeping  #exercise  #stress  #anxiety  #sedentaryliving