Not many people know what is deep cleaning. However, if your dentist recommends getting deep cleaning, chances are that you ought to listen to him or her. Generally, when we think about deep cleaning, what comes to mind is not having visited the dentist or having eaten a sticky meal. However, deep cleaning is a procedure that is performed by a dental hygienist for treating periodontal and gum disease. The most common reason why people get deep cleaning done is that they have missed professional cleaning appointments.



So What Is Deep Cleaning?

In the simplest of words, deep cleaning is a treatment where the teeth and gums down to the roots are all cleaned. It is often called gum therapy. Similar to regular cleaning, the dentist or hygienist would clean the sides of your teeth, the gum line, and the teeth. But what makes deep cleaning different is the fact that the dentist would continue removing all the tartar buildup from below the gum line all the way to the root. The process is also known as root planing and scaling. You might need to visit your dentist a few times to complete the treatment. Deep cleaning tends to be more extensive than your regular cleaning since it is designed for treating gum disease and preventing it from progressing.

What Is Deep Cleaning And When You Should Visit Your Dentist? 

Why Do You Need Deep Cleaning and Can’t Just Get Regular Cleaning Done?

Our mouth is full of plaque and bacteria. It is due to this reason that we need to brush and floss our teeth twice a day. Moreover, routine assessment and cleanings help remove plaque buildup. The gum line is where most of the plaque buildup is found and many of us forget to brush our gums. Since plaque hardens and becomes tartar, it is crucial to go for regular cleaning. However, when you do not regularly brush your teeth or if your genes make you more susceptible to gum disease, the gums might start showing signs of gingivitis i.e. swollen, red gums which easily bleed if touched.

When left unattended, the condition progresses to periodontal disease which is an infection that causes significant damage to your gum and bone supporting the teeth. It can even lead to tooth loss. The dentist would suggest an x-ray to determine if you have an infection. Interceptive gum therapy would be needed if evidence suggests that you have the infection in order to prevent the disease from progressing. Thus, you will need a deep cleaning to treat the condition. Hence, it is impossible for your teeth to be treated with regular cleaning as both deep cleaning and regular cleaning are designed for different things. Regular cleaning is only conducted as a form of preventative maintenance, whereas, deep cleaning helps stop the periodontal disease from progressing.

What Is Deep Cleaning And When You Should Visit Your Dentist? 

Deep Cleaning Process

The dental cleaning  involves removing tartar and plaque from your teeth and around the gums. The dentist would use ultrasonic or electric instruments for performing the scaling and root planing. However, manual scaling tools might also be used. A scaling instrument will be used by the dentist for removing the tartar and plaque from the roots. The procedure would require two visits at the very least. A follow-up visit is also recommended to confirm that the teeth and gums are in fact getting healthier.

What Is Deep Cleaning And When You Should Visit Your Dentist?

Do You Need Deep Cleaning?

Only the dental hygienist or dentist should be able to tell you when you need deep cleaning. If it is revealed that your teeth have considerable pockets of 4mm or more during the visit, you might be at risk of periodontal disease. It means that you would have to get deep cleaning done as it is highly recommended and is considered to be the best solution for preventing and stopping the disease from progressing.

The bacteria that resulted in the pockets would only continue to create tartar, plaque, and lead to bone loss if left untreated. If your dentist tells you to get a deep cleaning, you are not the only one. The American Academy of Periodontology reveals that as much as 50% of American adults have some sort of gum disease. With research indicating a link between serious gum disease and more serious illnesses such as dementia, diabetes, and heart disease, it is vital that you listen to your dentist or dental hygienist when they tell you to get a deep cleaning. There is simply no way around it. If you value your health, you must get deep cleaning done.


Have you had a deep cleaning at your dental office?

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“PIN & SHARE”What Is Deep Cleaning And When You Should Visit Your Dentist? Deep cleaning is a procedure that is performed by a dental hygienist for treating periodontal and gum disease.  It is a treatment where the teeth and gums down to the roots are all cleaned. It is often called gum therapy.    #dentist  #dentalcare  #dentalhygiene  #oralcare #gumtherapy   #deepcleaning  #periodontaldisease  #gumdisease