Vegan Veggie Delights: Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan FetaWhen I was a child, our family doctor–remember the kind who made house calls–diagnosed me with

“low blood”or anemia.

To remedy this condition, my family “doctored” me with all manner of bitter brews and unpleasant-
tasting foods that were supposed to “build my blood” including liver, cod liver oil, spinach and beets.
Back then my beets were usually bland red balls of soft vegetables dumped into a pot from a tin can
and heated.
Suffice it to say, I viewed those beets as “medicine”–not part of a tasty meal.
Now that I do my own shopping and food prep, fresh, organic beets from my local farmer’s market are
a joy to behold!
To “doctor” on myself, I usually juice them or blend them into my smoothies.
Steamed, roasted, pickled or grated raw–mildly-sweet, delicious beets are now a welcome treat!
Next time you roast beets for dinner, roast a few extras, so you can enjoy this salad the next day.
But if you need to roast your beets to make this salad, directions for roasting are included below.
Vegan feta cheez can be purchased from various sources or you can make your own dairy-free cheez
from soy or from nuts.
Links to a few vegan feta cheez resources and recipes are provided below.

Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta and Pine Nuts

Vegan Veggie Delights: Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta This recipe makes 4 salads.
Prep Time Prep time: 10 min
4 medium roasted beets, diced
2 tablespoons cold-pressed hemp, coconut or olive oil
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon fresh chopped thyme

Vegan Veggie Delights: Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta

Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta and Pine Nuts tastes great on a bed of field greens.

Optional: Field greens or lettuce mix
1/4 cup crumbled vegan feta cheez
1/4 cup pine nuts or chopped walnuts, pecans, etc.
Sea salt and pepper
Directions: If you need to roast your beets, put them in a pan, cover them roast them
in a 400 F oven for about one hour.
Chop the ends of the beets and peel them while they’re still warm.
Combine the beets, oil, lemon juice and lemon thyme in a mixing bowl.
If you don’t have lemon thyme, you can use fresh basil, oregano or regular thyme.
Dry herbs will also work, but use them sparingly.
Get 4 serving bowls ready and add a bed of mixed greens, if you’re using them.
Top with the beet mixture.
Sprinkle with vegan feta cheez, pine nuts, salt and pepper.
This lovely blend of flavors and textures tastes heavenly.
Fortunately, this colorful roasted beet salad can also serve as a tasty appetizer
course for holiday meals or other special occasions.

Vegan Feta Cheez Resources

*Vegcuisine Soy Feta Cheese Alternative, Mediterranean Herb from
*Fat-free Vegan Feta Cheese Recipe from
*Raw Vegan Almond Feta Cheese recipe *Raw Fermented Feta Nut Cheeze

Want to Try a Beet Smoothie?

Vegan Veggie Delights: Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta

Add a nutritious and delicious beet smoothie to your day!

If you prefer to “drink” your beets, try these  tasty and nutritious raw beet
smoothie recipes: Finer than Wine: 10 Delicious Beet Juice Recipes
Like beets? Raw, roasted, juiced or blended–you can’t beat these options for satisfying beet nutrition.
What are your favorite ways to prepare beets? Have you ever made vegan or raw cheez?
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Vegan Veggie Delights: Roasted Beet Salad with Vegan Feta and Pine Nuts

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