Around 75% of homebuyers prioritize sustainable offerings that are on the market, based on a recent study conducted by Nielsen. Given this fact, there is special attention given to . It’s more than the technology or fixtures that go into it—the materials play an integral part in creating a sustainable home design. The chosen material can greatly dictate the design of the home itself. That being said, what are the most popular sustainable home designs out there?



Bamboo Homes

The humble bamboo has long been a favorite in Asian architecture. Bamboo is also quite a popular material for a wide variety of sustainable products like cutlery, toothbrushes, and even apparel. Now, it is enjoying its heyday as a popular feature in sustainable home designs. The reason why bamboo is highly sought in sustainable housing is due to its growth rate. Primarily caused by its rhizome-dependent system, certain species of bamboo can grow a minimum of 35 inches each day.

The speed of its growth makes it a highly sustainable resource. Beyond the fact that it regenerates fast, as a building material it enjoys multiple advantages. Bamboo has a higher tensile strength than other materials like steel because of its natural fibers. Highly flexible, they’re a good option for homeowners that live in earthquake-prone areas. Because of this, it’s not unusual to find modern bamboo homes popping up in areas around the world.

The Shift Towards Rustic and Green: The Most Popular Sustainable Home Designs

Log Houses

If there is anything that automatically triggers thoughts of campfires, roasted marshmallows, and sweaters, it’s a log home. A wooden or log home also fits the aesthetic of those aiming to break away from the harsh and metallic architecture that’s been dominating the market for decades. In terms of sustainability, wood fits the bill, too. Wood is energy efficient, widely available, and carries a negative carbon footprint, according to a study published by Juha Paatalo.

Choosing logs for homes is a good way to reconnect with a rustic aesthetic while using natural materials. A bonus is that technology has made it a lot easier to build log homes no matter where the demand for them is. What is more, this  to your home. People tend to question the true sustainability of wooden or log homes as there are issues about deforestation. Despite this, wood remains to be a popular choice for sustainable design. A way this is addressed is only choosing locally sourced wood that is obtained through ethical logging companies.



Recycled Plastic Homes

Plastic has become a very serious environmental problem. The estimated amount of plastic in the world’s oceans is about 5 trillion, according to Christoper Preston of The University of Montana. As a result, those interested in making a positive environmental impact tapped into plastic as a material for sustainable homes. It works by compressing recycled plastic into “bricks” that can be used for building houses, walls, and even walkways.

Companies like ByFusion are aiming to develop non-toxic methods to process plastic and lower greenhouse gas emissions by 95%. Recycled plastic for homes is widely used in Africa and Central and Northern America. This is primarily due to the fact that they are cost-effective and can be built in a minimum of 5 days. It is estimated that a recycled plastic home amounts to ⅓ the amount of a home that’s made with concrete and bricks.


A good thing about the concept of sustainability is that new studies will help guide interested parties toward the best sort of design or materials for their future homes. So there is a lot to look forward to in the future of sustainable home designs. For now, it’s best to peruse the market and figure out what materials and designs fit the area and the buyer’s aesthetic preferences.


Have you considered purchasing a sustainable home?

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The Shift Towards Rustic and Green: The Most Popular Sustainable Home Designs - Around 75% of homebuyers prioritize sustainable offerings that are on the market. Sustainable home options include bamboo homes, log houses and recycled plastic homes. That being said, these are the most popular sustainable home designs out there. #greenhome  #sustainable  #homes  #sustainablehomes  #bamboo