Going green is the best thing you could do for the planet and your budget. Because going green is becoming more mainstream, you have more opportunities to save and help. What and how you drive really does make a difference. Even some are cheaper than your average rates.

Green cars, particularly electric vehicles, are starting to trend, but how much do they cost? How can you save on insurance with a green car? Let’s look at the latest news about the cost of electric vehicles, as well as how you can save on your car insurance through green discounts, low-mileage incentives, and other discounts.



The Cost of Electric Cars

Green vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, using different types of green energy in the process. The majority of them use electricity, although some have been known to use biomass and solar power. 

Until recently, electric cars have been more expensive than traditional vehicles. Back in the 2010s, when the Nissan Leaf was just coming to the market, its price range was $33,000 to $37,000. Today, the 2022 Leaf S starts at $24,700, making it the cheapest electric car on the market.  

Typically, electric vehicles range from $30,000 to over $100,000, depending on the make and model of the automobile. Before the Nissan Leaf S, the Mini Electric was the cheapest electric vehicle on the market at $29,900.

There may be cheaper models available in the future, but as of right now, the Nissan Leaf S is your best bet if you want the most affordable electric car on the market. 


How to Save on Car Insurance With Green Discounts

Green discounts vary from one provider to another. Usually, car insurance rates are much higher for electric cars than traditional ones because they cost more and can be more easily damaged.

However, some insurance companies do have a discount for drivers with electric vehicles. It’s not much, but these providers give you roughly 5% off your premium for a six-month policy:

  • Allstate
  • Farmers
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • State Farm
  • USAA

Another green discount that you can apply for is going paperless. Many insurance providers give you a 4% price cut off your monthly premium when you choose to pay your bills and get your statements online. With Progressive, if you do everything online, they will give you a discount of up to 15% off. 

Check with your provider to see if you can apply for these deals as soon as possible. Again, these discounts are not much, but they will save you some money in the long run and will give you the opportunity to invest in other things you might be interested in. 

How to Save Money by Driving Green

How to Save on Car Insurance With Low-Mileage Incentives

Driving as minimally as possible can save you at least 5% off your monthly premium. Insurance providers reward those who drive less because they are less likely to get into an accident.

Working from home can actually help you get back some cash. There’s nothing wrong with working in an office. In fact, there are some adverse effects on people’s mental and physical well-being by working from home; however, if you work in an office and have to commute every day, you will not get this discount.

If you still need to commute to work every day, consider carpooling with your coworkers or taking public transportation. Both will help reduce your mileage on your car and as a result, help you get the low-mileage discount. 


Other Discounts That Will Save You Money

There are many other discounts you can qualify for besides the ones we’ve discussed above. Below, we will look at some of those discounts that can save you money when you apply for them.


  • Discount for Being a Safe Driver

Safe driver discounts are awarded to those that don’t have any at-fault accidents or moving violations on their record. This discount can be up to 27%. 

The best way to get this discount is to drive defensively and obey the traffic laws in your area. Avoid reckless driving behaviors like tailgating, zipping in and out of traffic, and running red lights. 

Be careful of how you drive. Some providers have been known to cancel their coverage with people they consider to be high-risk drivers. 


  • Price Cut for Bundling Insurance

The most common way to bundle would be having home and auto policies with one company, but you can also bundle health, home, and life insurance.

Bundling with a single insurance provider can save you up to 14% on your monthly premium. Many providers are more than willing to give you a discount for using their services in multiple ways. 


  • Deals for Being in the Military

If you’re in the military, you can get a substantial discount on car insurance, especially if you’re deployed. You save up to 15% when you’re on base and up to 90% when deployed. You deserve every available to you for your service.  


  • Discounts for Being a Loyal Customer

If you stay with an insurance provider for more than a year, you will qualify for this discount. You can save 11% on your monthly premium. What’s really great about this discount is that you can actually save more depending on how long you’ve been with the same provider. 

These discounts are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more discounts available if you are eligible. Consult with your insurance provider or agent to see what other deals you can apply for today.


Green is Good

Going green is genuinely the best thing you can do for yourself and the environment. Using clean energy and having lower emissions really does make a difference. It may not seem like much, but you’re helping the planet and those around you. 

Share what you’ve learned about electric vehicles with your friends, and be on the lookout for more companies reducing the price of their automobiles.  


How to Save Money by Driving Green

About the Author

Peyton Leonard writes and researches for the car insurance education and comparison site, CarInsuranceComparison.com. Peyton is very conscientious about the environment and wants to help others go green while saving money on car insurance. 


Have you considered buying an electric car?

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How to Save Money by Driving Green - Green cars, particularly electric vehicles, are starting to trend, but how much do they cost? How can you save on insurance with a green car?  Learn the latest news about the cost of electric vehicles, as well as how you can save on your car insurance through green discounts, low-mileage incentives, and other discounts. #drivinggreen #greencars #electriccars #electricvehicles  #greencarinsurance