If you’re like many people, you could do with a boost of quick energy now and then. And, if you’re like most folks, you reach for a cup of coffee when your energy levels are lacking. A few cups a day is alright, but any more than four, and you’re asking for trouble. In the interest of improved energy for all, we’re pleased to present a selection of ideas to try when your get-up-and-go is gone.
Natural Energy Boosters
Experts offer a number of super helpful tips that can help you raise your energy levels without resorting to caffeine. Try drinking more water throughout the day, because dehydration can make you feel tired, even when you’re fully rested. Go for lemon water first thing in the morning, in lieu of coffee or tea.
Go to sleep at the same time every night, and wake up at the same time every day. It may take some time to establish a regular sleep schedule, but the benefit of higher vitality during the day is well worth the effort, say energy experts at Spoon University magazine.
When you feel sleepy in the afternoon, go for a power nap, but keep it brief. Any more than 20 minutes or so, and you may feel even more tired when you wake back up. A better plan is to add exercise to your daily routine. It may seem an odd choice when you have no energy, but many people find that when they force themselves to move around instead of nap, their afternoon energy level increases exponentially.
More Natural Energy Boosters
Eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast foods provide your body with the fuel it needs to get you through the day. Deprive yourself of a morning meal, and you may feel less than energetic all day long. Get more sunlight, too. A lack of vitamin D can lead to feelings of lethargy and also cause depression. Even fifteen minutes of sunlight per day can raise your mood and energy levels.
Restrict your carbohydrate intake for a heightened sense of energy and well-being. Un-clutter your home and workspace, because a messy environment can make a person want to go to sleep instead of getting things done, advise energy experts at The Strength of She magazine.
Self-hypnosis Can Be an Effective Energy Booster

The human mind is a powerful thing, especially when you know how to use it. Self-hypnosis helps many people do away with subconscious energy sappers while invigorating the mind and body with positive, energy-raising messages. Self-hypnosis may ‘trick’ your mind into believing that you are full of energy and ready to take on the world. Remarkably, self-hypnosis may also help to increase your happiness and improve your sense of well-being. Learn how to boost energy levels with hypnosis, and you may wonder
why you did not try it sooner.
When you feel super sleepy, it’s alright to take a nap. In fact, in many areas of the globe, an afternoon siesta is considered quite normal. Try the aforementioned energy tips, too. You may be surprised how quickly you feel like your old energetic self again.
What are your favorite natural ways to boost your energy without caffeine?
Share your thoughts and comments with us?
I avoid caffeine so I really appreciate these natural suggestions for an energy boost! The concept of utilizing self-hypnosis to inspire your body to have more energy is quite intriguing. Thank you!
First of all, I just have to say how crisp and beautiful your photographs are. They just make me want to sing and jump myself! Hydration and going for walks usually do it for me, but I haven’t thought about self-hypnosis. That’s most intriguing.
Hi Kathryn,
I am so delighted that you enjoyed the photos and some of the ideas in this post. What a delightful image you have painted. Thanks for sharing your wonderful comments. I appreciate it!
Love this! Thanks for sharing at Sunday Fitness & Food 🙂
Amazing how simple it can be to boost your energy with these few simple changes!! Extra water for the win for sure!!