An Environment That’s Not Conducive To Health

Part of physical health is mental health, but eating healthy is equally important, and in America, this is likely going to be the exception rather than the norm. There are many reasons for this, among them technology which has brought changes to what the word “food” applies to.

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Not only can technology be toxic to mental health, it can be physically harmful when improperly used. Saturated fats, carbohydrates, processed foods, synthetic foodstuffs, alcohol, over-indulgence of caffeine, energy drinks in general, soda-pop—these are facilitated by modern tech, and bad for your gut. And they are all staples of the American diet.


“Leaving gastrointestinal problems

unchecked can lead to tumors,

chronic illness, and many

other health issues.”


Chemicals In Foods

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Did you know that there are many chemicals in normal foods which are downright toxic to the human body? Artificial sweeteners increase your tolerance to “sweet” things, and also act as a sort of “upper” which craves more sweetener, and can even make you hungry. Ironically, diet soda often induces diabetic tendencies, as well as obesity.

But the damages don’t stop there. Many of the things we eat today knock our metabolisms out of whack, and can result in increased or decreased levels of digestive fluids.

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Have you ever eaten something salty or tangy, felt a burning near where your heart is, and then had to vomit? The expurgation only happens in extreme cases, but it can occur.This condition is acid-reflux, or heartburn, which develops when the stomach is beset with too many acidic substances for too long.


“Saturated fats, carbohydrates, processed foods,

synthetic foodstuffs, alcohol, over-indulgence of

caffeine, energy drinks in general, soda-pop—

these are facilitated by modern tech,

and bad for your gut.”


Escaping The Digestive Scourge

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Thankfully, you can get out from under the shadow of gastrointestinal pain. One of the best ways to do this is to eat foods which are naturally derived. Fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy coming from providers who don’t apply too much food processing will all be, generally, good for you.

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Granted, some people have food allergies, and there are certain foodstuffs that you should avoid, even though your family may still be able to eat those same foodstuffs without any ill-effects. To properly understand what you should and shouldn’t eat, it makes sense to consult professionals who specialize in gastrointestinal issues.

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

If you’ve got digestion problems, if you have experienced excessive weight gain or loss or if you have acid reflux symptoms which constantly plague you, then it may make very good sense to consult a  specialist and receive the proper advice on treatments and lifestyle changes that could improve your general health.

Don’t Just Ignore The Problem

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Leaving gastrointestinal problems unchecked can lead to tumors, chronic illness, and many other health issues that could ultimately prove fatal, and will likely—at the very least—shorten your lifespan. What’s more, the vast majority of conditions that people suffer from are entirely preventable!

Natural Nutrition Can Help Protect Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Many times eating over-processed foods or artificial sweeteners contributes to a buildup of harmful chemicals in the body, and may lead to continual imbalance of metabolic functions. The key is either cold-turkey quitting such substances, or weaning yourself from them. It will all depend on your personal biological predisposition.

A doctor’s advice is important here, because sometimes your body has built a very real dependency, and the shock to your system from directly quitting could prove more unhealthy than weaning. But everyone will differ to some idiosyncratic degree.


“You can get out from under the shadow

of gastrointestinal pain. One of the best

ways to do this is to eat foods which

are naturally derived.”


One thing is sure: you don’t have to live in a state of continuous pain, and even for certain congenital conditions, there are solutions that can make your life less uncomfortable than it had been previously. Generally, adopting a more organic, healthier lifestyle will serve you best of all.


What are doing to support and protect the health of your gastroinstestinal tract?

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