Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

People love McDonald’s and Burger King, even as doctors warn them about the effect

on their health.

Such standard issue doctor’s advice, though, is beginning to be challenged.

According to evidence developed by nutrition scientists such as Loren Cordain, it does

make a lot of sense to put the fast food staples at these restaurants on the danger list,

but not for the conventional reasons.

The problem with these meals is that they have nutritional components that the human

body was never designed for — starches (from French fries and bread), fructose (from soda),

too much vegetable oil and not enough butter.

Not enough butter?

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

It’s called the diet, and it even frowns on produce-rich diets.

While your doctor would be happy if you went to these chains and ate their salads instead of

their cheeseburgers, the new Paleo dietary idea won’t have any of it.

If this dietary advice seems bizarre to you, you should know that it’s been around since 2002,

and it’s beginning to sweep the world.

The Paleo diet tells you to get your body back on the kind of diet that it evolved for, the one

that prehistoric man ate — plenty of meat, plenty of fish, the fattier the better.

Here’s why the Paleo diet delivers

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

Making the transition from a “normal” meal plan to one that completely excludes starches,

sugars and carbs (and mostly excludes fresh fruit and vegetables) can be hard.

People who begin on the Paleo diet tend to crave bread, sweets and potato.

What keeps them on the diet is that the payoff usually comes very quickly.

When you deny your body carbohydrates, you force it to make do with fats, instead.

The result: quick weight loss the healthy way, and plenty of energy.

You will rarely experience post-meal fatigue, and you will rarely need to snack.

You’re giving your body the food that it was designed for, and you’ll quickly find that it

makes your body work the way it was always meant to.

The problem, of course, is finding out how to feed yourself like this

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

Getting on a Paleo diet requires thinking like a top-of-the-food-chain predator, rather

than like prey.

It can take time to learn how to cook to Paleo requirements, though.

It’s also not as if you can walk into any restaurant and have such a meal served, either.

Most restaurant meals would have many ingredients that weren’t Paleo.

Certainly, you should gradually learn to cook Paleo yourself.

It can take time to learn te recipes and get them to perfection, though.

What do you do if you want to start today?

Fortunately, solutions exist.

Find a meal delivery service

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

Before you go to all the trouble of learning Paleo recipes, you would want to know that

the system actually works for you.

Whether you need help with your Paleo diet on a regular basis or only need it in the beginning,

a can make a lot of sense.

Not only does such a service let you sample the Paleo diet and find out how it helps your health,

it helps you check out the range of tastes possible.

Such services usually offer considerable personalization options, as well, to answer to dietary

restrictions that customers may have.

Live on very simple recipes at first

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier

If a meal delivery service three times a day seems a little over-the-top (even if it doesn’t usually

cost more than $40 or $50 per person each day), you could, at first, make simple recipes.

Throwing a portion of meat in the oven with plenty of butter and nuts is likely to be easy, as well

as truly delicious.

It’s one of the pluses of the Paleo plan — it’s a gold mine of taste.

You can look around the Internet for other ultra-simple recipes, and have a lot of fun with them.

You will quickly forget all about missing your regular diet.

What could you miss when you have free access to ?

Remember that you need the right supplements, as well

Making the Paleo Diet Work: Tips for Busy People Who Want to Be Healthier
It’s important to remember that a Paleo diet isn’t just what you eat — it’s a plan where you try

to go back to the kind of lifestyle that your body was designed for.

This would mean a great deal of time spent outdoors.

If you find it hard to understand how this might be possible, there are supplements that you can

consider — Omega 3 and vitamin D are vital.

It doesn’t take long to find out if a Paleo diet works for you.

In most cases you’ll feel like you’ve been given a new lease on life.


About the Author
Scott Menzel is Director of Sales and Marketing at Paleo Delivers, a gourmet paleo meal delivery service in los angeles. He is also the founder and Founder and lead Entertainment Journalist at WeLiveFilm, an online film community that brings Youtube critics, written critics and film fans together in one place.


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