Over 270 people die every day in the United States from blood clots. If you’re at risk, you need to educate yourself on how to prevent blood clots.

Prevention is essential and easy if you’re willing to make lifestyle changes. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know to learn how to avoid blood clots.



How to Lower Your Risk of Blood Clots 

How to Avoid Blood Clots Through Nutrition

A healthy diet and plenty of water is a great defense against clots.

Your blood thickens when you get dehydrated, increasing the risk of a clot forming. Aim to drink 11-15 cups of water per day to ensure adequate hydration.

Red wine or grape juice can stop your blood platelets from sticking together and creating clots. Drink these in moderation, though, as they aren’t conducive to a healthy lifestyle if enjoyed in excess.

Incorporate natural blood thinners into your diet. Foods like garlic, cinnamon, and turmeric have anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties. Add chia and flax seeds to your smoothies for a dose of omega-3 fatty acid and improved blood circulation.

Cut back on foods high in saturated and trans fats as they can cause plaque buildup. Too many unhealthy fats will increase inflammation, boosting your risk of heart disease and blood clots.

How to Lower Your Risk of Blood Clots 

How to Avoid Blood Clots Through Exercise

Staying active will improve your body’s ability to circulate blood. When your blood is circulating properly, it won’t be able to pool as easily.

You don’t need to run five miles a day to sidestep blood clots, either. Short bouts of exercise spread throughout your day will prove to be beneficial.

If you have an office job, stand up and move around every few hours. You can even perform gentle leg stretches at your desk to help prevent clots. Try flexing your calves, ankles, and thighs once an hour to keep blood moving.

Commit to a heart-healthy exercise regimen to help prevent blood clots. Aim to take a brisk walk once a day for at least 30 minutes. If you don’t fancy yourself a walker, try cycling or swimming to get your heart rate up.

How to Lower Your Risk of Blood Clots 

How to Avoid Blood Clots Through Medication

There are three types of medicine you can take to prevent a blood clot. If you know you’re at risk, talk to your doctor about which prescription medications are right for you.

Anticoagulants, often known as blood thinners, slow down your body’s process of creating clots. They can even reduce the risk of strokes by 50-60%.

Antiplatelet medication is prescribed to stop your platelets from clumping together. When your platelets are less “sticky,” they’re not able to form clots as easily.

Thrombolytic drugs are administered intravenously to dissolve any forming blood clots.



Clot Prevention is Key

Now that you know how to avoid blood clots, you can put what you’ve learned into action. By choosing to live a healthier lifestyle, you could be adding years to your life.

Check out more of our website for content to help you on your path to wellness.


What are you doing to lower your risk of blood clots?

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“PIN & SHARE”How to Lower Your Risk of Blood Clots - Learning how to avoid blood clots by choosing to live a healthier lifestyle may add years to your life. Blood clots can sneak up on you and cause dangerous conditions, like a heart attack. Here's how to avoid them. #bloodclots #blood #clots #heartattacks #heartattackprevention #healthylifestyle #hearthealthy