Consuming pornographic material has become somewhat normalized in recent years with over 50% of adults admitting they’ve viewed pornography at least once in the last week. One reason for this is the alarming increase in free Internet porn.

Nearly 70 million queries, or 25% of all online searches, are related to porn, and another 2.5 billion emails containing pornographic material are sent and received every single day. It’s never been easier or more convenient to fall into the deep, dark hole of pornography addiction.

Are you worried that your porn habit is taking on a life of its own? Are you wasting countless hours and money you don’t have trying to unlock exclusive content? Before you go broke or damage important, personal relationships, keep reading.

These tips can help you detox yourself from watching online adult material and focus your attention on more productive and healthier habits.



Figure Out Why You’re Watching Porn

Most people watch online porn for sexual arousal and satisfaction. While this is the most obvious reason, it’s often just scratching the surface. Most people use pornographic material as a substitute or distraction for something else. Once you figure out why you feel an overwhelming need to view online pornography, you can start making the necessary changes to detox from this all-consuming behavior.

Pay close attention to when you watch porn or what triggers you to watch. Online porn therapy site, , suggests that you consider that if you’re watching porn and masturbating as a form of stress relief, what is it that you’re stressed about? It could be work, your finances, or confidence issues. You may also be using porn as a substitute for an IRL relationship (in real life). If you’re single, pornographic videos may help fill the emotional void of companionship and help satisfy you sexually. If you’re dating someone or married and still find yourself consuming large amounts of pornographic material, it could be a sign that something is lacking from your relationship.

How to Detox Yourself from Watching Online Adult Material

Find an Alternative Behavior 

Although it can be dangerous to replace one addictive behavior with another, as long as the substitute behavior is healthy and has no adverse side effects, this can be an effective tool for detoxing from watching online adult material. Most people watch porn and masturbate because it’s sexually satisfying and creates relaxation and an improved mood. But there are countless other ways to experience these same benefits without the use of adult material.

While nothing replicates the physical feeling of an orgasm quite like sex or masturbating, you can find activities that mimic the psychological effects of euphoria, happiness, and relaxation. Exercise, for example, is a great way to trigger your brain into releasing feel-good endorphins and chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Not only will you experience a mood boost but you’ll also have more energy and may even experience increased self-esteem.


Set Personal Goals

When you’re busy watching online adult material, you’re missing out on countless opportunities to socialize with friends, improve your health, be more productive at work, and make more money. Sit down and make a list of all the things you could be doing with the time you spend watching porn. You’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish in the minutes and hours you’ve been waiting in front of your computer or on your smartphone. Set specific, SMART goals, and every time you’re tempted to watch online adult material, focus on one of these goals instead.

Another technique is to use pornography as a reward for accomplishing other things. You can still enjoy your favorite adult material, but in moderation and only after you’ve completed other daily obligations. For example, let yourself watch a few videos or clips at the end of the workday, after an intense workout, or when you get home from a social gathering with friends. When used as a reward system, porn may act as a source of energy and motivation rather than a deterrent.


Install Porn Blockers 

Sometimes, willpower alone isn’t enough. Even with the best intentions and a well-laid plan, the temptation to view online pornography will sneak in and may cause you to falter. That’s where online pornography blockers can help. These programs are designed to prevent you from accessing certain porn websites and apps. While this isn’t protection enough, it does create a greater barrier for entry, making it increasingly difficult for you to view adult material online. Essentially, it adds one more step to the process, giving you that much more time to rethink your decision.

Most “porn cravings” don’t last for hours. If you can “ride the wave” of your initial temptation to view online porn by distracting yourself, the feeling will weaken and eventually subside. Remove all pornographic websites and apps that may have your log-in information saved from your computer and smartphone. By the time you have the privacy or means to access these sites, hopefully, your urge to view porn has lessened and you can move on without a relapse.

How to Detox Yourself from Watching Online Adult Material

Join a Support Group or Online Therapy Program

can be difficult to deal with but there’s power in numbers. As embarrassing as your tendency to view online adult material might be, you’re certainly not alone. Some of the statistics shared earlier suggest that over half the adult population is watching porn regularly. You may need to put your pride aside and ask others for help.

Similar to Alcoholics Anonymous, there are countless online support groups and treatment programs for porn addiction that you can complete in the comfort and privacy of your own home and at your own convenience. Most online treatment programs are created and overseen by experts in the field and offer valuable resources, information, and therapy techniques. Online communities and support groups help you feel less alone in your struggles and give you the unique opportunity to share your story with people who understand your difficulties first-hand.

Both group therapy and online therapy programs are a great resource when you feel that your tendency to view online adult material is negatively impacting your life.



Detox from Watching Online Adult Material and Reclaim Your Life

Online adult material isn’t all bad. When used properly, pornographic material can add excitement and variety to your sex life. Unfortunately, when abused or consumed in excess, it can deprive you of the ability to function in daily life or realize your full potential. By detoxing yourself from viewing online pornography, you can shift your focus to other, more important things and start living a more productive and purposeful life.


Do you — or loved ones  — suffer from online porn addiction?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.




How to Detox Yourself from Watching Online Adult Material  -  Are you worried that your porn habit is taking on a life of its own? Are you wasting countless hours and money you don’t have trying to unlock exclusive content? These tips can help you detox yourself from watching online adult material and focus your attention on more productive and healthier habits. #onlineadultmaterial  #onlineporn  #pornaddiction  #detox  #onlinepornography