Affirmations are statements which can be said out loud or in your mind, and they can have
a powerful effect on how you think and feel, changing your attitude towards life.
Repeating positive affirmations that are aimed towards something that you need or want to
change, can in a sense manifest it to happen.
Statements usually include words that suggest we have already had success in what we want
to achieve, instead of the words being more of a proposition.
For example, ‘I would like a loving relationship’ would be ‘I am in a loving relationship’.
How Do Positive Affirmations Work?
Positive affirmations link our conscious with our subconscious.
Most of us have over 45,000 thoughts a day and the majority are negative.
Our brain filters thoughts and discards information that we do not necessarily need, leaving
the remaining thoughts for us to work through.
When a positive affirmation connects with our subconscious, it works to make us aware of our
attitude and how we function towards the conscious thought, thus changing the thought to a
reality which we can utilize.
“Your subconscious will start to
change how you view life,
your actions and your attitude…”
How Can I Use Positive Affirmations?
Using positive affirmations to change your life is not complex at all.
It is a simple practice which anyone can do and use in their everyday life.
Simply choose something in your life which you want to change or have a target of something
that you want to achieve, then you can focus on making it real.
Decide what your affirmation is and repeat it several times a day out loud or in your head.
It is important to use an affirmation that portrays you have already achieved what you desire.
Here are some examples:
‘I am happy in my new promotion’
‘I have found a new job which I love’
‘I am not finding work stressful’
‘I am successful in my job and reaping the rewards’
‘My partner and I are communicating well and we are happy’
‘I am in a new relationship and in love’
‘I have left my old relationship and feel strong’
‘Everyone in our family is happy’
‘My children are being kind and caring towards each other’
‘My relationship with my parents is good’
‘I have completed all of my home improvements’
‘I have successfully sold my house and found a new home’
‘We have enough money to pay the bills’
“Decide what your affirmation is and repeat it
several times a day out loud or in your head.
It is important to use an affirmation that portrays
you have already achieved what you desire.”
How Do Positive Affirmations Work?
In a sense, positive affirmations work very much like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
by training the mind to believe and react to what you are thinking or saying.
Your subconscious will start to change how you view life, your actions and your attitude
and therefore you will begin to subconsciously work towards achieving your goal.
Positive affirmations do not magically bring you a new home, a new relationship or a
job promotion as it can take time to complete these goals, but they will help you to set out
to achieve them.
Have you used positive affirmations to change your life?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Photo credits:
“Sharing” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by
“Money Girl” (CC BY 2.0) by Tax Credits
“House” (CC BY 2.0) by oatsy40
I do my best to do positive affirmations everyday cause I find that really helps with my anxiety. Love this post!
Wonderful reasons to use affirmations and great pics as well. I salute and honor you dear Deborah and appreciate your A+ attitude.