As our society has become increasingly aware of many social issues throughout our world, people have made the pledge to live a greener lifestyle. Whether that be through eating, exercising or any other aspect, the bottom line is to be conscious of the things you expose yourself to, including in your own house. Whether you live alone or with a loving family, living a greener life can improve and create a healthier home.


“Living a green life can change

the way you see the world, how you

interact with it and how you show your

love to it and those around you.”



How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home

Electric Avenue 2.0

As of January 1, 2014, the U.S. has stopped all importation and manufacturing of incandescent bulbs. What does this mean for you? The U.S. is starting to get serious with thinking about energy consumption. The most important thing you can do as a consumer is understanding how much electric energy you consume, then cut down the usage if you think it’s too high. Not using a room? Make sure the light is off. Not only will it save you money, but it will save you energy as well. No harmful emissions will come out of the bulb and will create a safer environment for you and your family.

Still adamant on keeping your lights on? Take a closer look at what type of bulb you are using and try to find one that is more energy efficient. Another option for you is natural light. The sun’s rays are natural and can even give you some vitamins you need (if you are outside, of course).

How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home

Unexpected Guests

Homeowners should test for things like carbon monoxide, radium and other harmful environmental problems. Being in the presence of any of these issues can even lead to death, which of course no one wants. Installing a carbon monoxide detector would be an easy way to avoid that issue.

The quicker and more frequent you can check your house/living space for these things, the healthier your life investment will be. There may be some costs, but they will never outweigh the cost of a life. You can even read up and educate yourself on these issues, making you an informed consumer rather than a passive one.

How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home


The issue of a healthier home can even stem into your own personal hygiene products. Understanding what is in them and how to choose the best ones for your health is not only important to you, but to those around you as well. Some products (think of hairspray) can emit bad chemicals into the air, polluting your environment and causing harm to your home’s atmosphere. In the same vein as above with regards to being an informed consumer, so too should you be one for products such as these.

How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home

Grow Things

Some experts believe that growing plants in your home increases air quality and quality of life. When you are fostering a space to grow other organisms, it can create a sense of community in a clean environment. It can teach your children how to be responsible adults by taking care of something other than themselves. It can also teach them the value of living things and why life is precious via nutrition (if growing an indoor food plant) or beauty (flowers). Teaching these values can make life-long memories.

How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home

Choose Healthy

These are just some advantages of living a greener life and creating a healthier one along the way. You are not only doing yourself a service by maintaining a positive life for you and your body, but you can even teach your loved ones a thing or two along the way. Living a green life can change the way you see the world, how you interact with it and how you show your love to it and those around you.


About the Author

Emily covers topics in sustainability and green living. You can read more of her work on her site, Conservation Folks.


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How Green Living Creates a Healthier Home - Living a green life can change the way you see the world, how you interact with it and how you show your love to it and those around you. #greenliving  #livinggreen  #ecofriendly  #environment  #greenhome  #ecofriendlyhome