Often times, many people often avoid diving headfirst into a green, more sustainable lifestyle because they fear that it will take a toll on their wallets. In reality, there are various ways in which you can make the swap to a more eco-conscious lifestyle that are in fact budget-friendly.


“There are numerous ways to live

a more environmentally friendly life

and save money at the same time.”


This handy infographic by Credit.com outlines all the lifestyle changes you can make that will not only benefit your wallet, but benefit the environment as well. It covers everything from disposing batteries to websites that help you trade with those in your community.

For example, did you know that 554,000 trees can be saved each year if every U.S. household use one less 70-sheet roll of paper towels? Opt for microfiber cloths or bamboo paper towels instead.

15 Easy Ways to Go Green and Save Money

Who doesn’t want to learn relatively easy ways to live a more environmentally friendly life and save money at the same time?

From cleaning products to pet care to how to recycle technology, the visual below discusses all the ways in which you can help save both your money and the planet.

Please include attribution to https://www.credit.com/ with this graphic.

Infographic courtesy of https://www.credit.com/


What are your favorite budget-friendly ways to go green?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.