Cancer. It’s a word we wish we never had to hear, and too often, it’s affected at least one person we’re close to. We wish the cure for cancer would finally arrive, and people would no longer have to deal with the battle, and their loved ones would no longer have to deal with grief. Cancer, like so many of the diseases that came before it, can be cured. While not defeated as easily as whooping cough or smallpox, cancer doesn’t get to have the last word, and every year, as we fight against cancer, new research is taking us forward to a solution.


As we go forward with preventing cancer at home, researching cancer all across the world, and caring for patients with the best possible care, it’s only a matter of time before #cancer is defeated once and for all.Click To Tweet


Simple Preventions

New Steps in the Fight Against Cancer
Before we even take it to our doctors and our scientists, cancer can be prevented in our daily lives. Simple household items, like , may have cancer-fighting properties, but there are even bigger steps you can take to . There are foods you can avoid, and foods you can try to eat more of (like garlic and green tea) as you live a better lifestyle. You should also avoid obesity, excess alcohol, excess sunlight, and excess radiation. Even balancing your hormones can help in cancer prevention.


New Research

New Steps in the Fight Against Cancer
The world of cancer research is getting more exciting than ever. Studies are being performed, testing the power that might have in defeating cancer, and one of the latest miracles– researchers have found a way to detect cancer with a . Easier than ever to be checked for cancer, the test will be able to show not just if a person has cancer, but where in their body they have it. Cost effective, minimally invasive, and effective, this new method of checking for cancer will start changing lives as soon as it’s implemented. Researchers are also investigating the power of the cannabis plant, or . Research suggests it may have the power to ease pain symptoms, or even fight cancer in patients. And as far as CBD oil is concerned, you can event start using its health properties at home.


#Cancer may be prevented in our daily lives with #healthy foods like #garlic and #green tea that may have #cancer-fighting properties. Avoid unhealthy foods, obesity, excess alcohol, excess sunlight and excess radiation.Click To Tweet


Excellent Care

New Steps in the Fight Against Cancer
Even once cancer is diagnosed, it doesn’t mean the end. As more people go in for mammograms or dermatologist appointments, cancer is caught earlier, making the fight much more hopeful. is constantly evolving, giving fighters an even better chance. With new tactics in diet, new ways of approaching cancer, and doctors who are up-to-date on the latest research, the care that a cancer patient receives is getting better with every passing year.

We don’t have a cure for cancer yet, and while the most is being made of research, we may not see a cure for decades. New progress however, like the cancer blood test, can fill us with hope. We haven’t stopped cancer in its tracks, but we keep finding better ways to fight it. As we go forward with preventing cancer at home, researching cancer all across the world, and caring for patients with the best possible care, it’s only a matter of time before cancer is defeated once and for all.


Have you or a loved one had cancer?
What suggestions do you have for helping to prevent cancer?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.



New Steps in the Fight Against Cancer: As we go forward with preventing cancer at home with diet and lifestyle changes., researching cancer all across the world, and caring for patients with the best possible care, it’s only a matter of time before cancer is defeated once and for all. #cancer #cancerprevention #cancerresearch #healthyliving