Western medicine has begun to accept the fact that, strange as it seems, acupuncture works; what many western medical experts are curious about is the exact mechanism behind it. Many theories abound.
A Marriage Of East And West
Some think that as the body is poked and prodded by the needles, minute amounts of the body’s natural painkillers (endorphins) are released. Others think acupuncture “puts a gate” up. Basically, the needle blocks a pain signal in your body’s immune system; kind of how when you turn a faucet, it blocks the flow of water.
The most prevailing theory—and likewise the most nebulous—is that acupuncture helps the patient learn how to “believe away” the pain. There is scientifically such a thing known to western medicine:the placebo effect. The power of the mind induces a measurable biological effect based on expectation.
“There is an entire knowledge
set behind acupuncture technique
which has been effective
for literally thousands of years.”
Getting Your Head Around It
There’s a way to think about it which helps the brain get a grasp on the technique. Steam power can propel a locomotive at the same kind of speeds you’ll see on the highway; though it’s a more involved process. Electricity is a very convenient form of energy which is more involved still. Then there’s atomic energy, which gives the most output and is most dangerous.
Perhaps, as there are differing ways of harvesting and utilizing energy, there are different medical techniques that can serve to repair the body. Where one culture developed aspirin to turn off pain signals and aid recovery, another found a properly placed tiny needle could essentially produce the same effect.
What’s most fascinating is when two forms of energy can work together. Gasoline powers a motor that charges a battery which allows your car to utilize radio transmissions and shine lights in the dead of night. Similarly, there are today acupuncture clinics which simultaneously employ western medical technique to give clients the best of both worlds.
Overcoming Pain
The best solutions for pain aren’t always what you would have expected, but incorporate aspects of many different cures; as leader in this field, The YinOva Center acupuncture clinic points out: “…created a unique approach to healthcare that integrates Chinese medicine with Western medicine in a way that helps…patients get the best of both systems.”
When it comes to your body’s health, sometimes it’s recommendable to go with eastern techniques and vice versa; and sometimes a combination serves your purposes even better. Today such options are burgeoning, introducing increased diversity into the medical options of modernity.
“The best solutions for pain aren’t
always what you would have expected,
but incorporate aspects of
many different cures.”
If you haven’t tried acupuncture before, getting it in conjunction with familiar medical techniques may be a good idea. You can know you’re not getting some mumbo jumbo from a purveyor who preys on the uninformed, but you’re getting the best of both worlds as provided by vetted professionals who thoroughly understand that which is known of the human body.
Have you used acupuncture for pain relief or other health issues?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Hi Deborah,
Good article. I believe so much in the marriage of Eastern and Western medicine – they both have their benefits when used properly. I have used tried acupuncture and the one thing it helped a lot was it cleared my sinus like magic. I tried it for pain maintenance but it never seemed to help for more than an hour. I do know it does help some people a lot with allergies, pain and over all well-being. Energy work all of all types can be extremely useful but all our bodies are unique and so results are different for each person and I have tried quite a few. Sharing on twitter & pinning.