More and more employers nowadays are going the extra mile to provide their employees with all the support that they need, which is also essential for their holistic development. When you love your employees, they’ll love you back and perform better for the company. Therefore, investing in your employees’ welfare is always a good decision.

One of the best ways to make your employees feel pampered is by providing them a good fitness program. Many would love to get started on a good workout routine, but do not have the time to travel to another location daily just to exercise.

Here are some tips on how you can have a headstart on starting one:

5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program 

1. Collate a list of healthy food choices

One of the most massive contributors to start a healthy lifestyle is through your meal options. The more people indulge themselves in junk foods, naturally, the less fit and healthy they will be. The heavy demands of their job will make it difficult for them to choose healthier options.

Hence, one way for you to start with a fitness program in the office is to put up a directory of healthy meal options within a three-mile vicinity of it; this will help your employees have a selection of healthy meals, where they don’t need to look far.

Apart from those mentioned above, you can also offer healthy meal delivery subscriptions for them, so that their lunches and snacks are already taken care of. These options are extremely great as start-ups for any Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that you will implement in your company.

5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program 

2. Put up a daily challenge board

Your employee fitness plan doesn’t need to be excessive or significant, especially in the infancy stage. You can start with little physical challenges, like those small exercises that can be done in the employees’ work cubicle during their break time. You can put up a blackboard, or an announcement board, where you post a different fitness challenge every day.

For example:

  • Do 100 squats while facing your work desk
  • Do 50 leg raise while sitting on your chair
  • Take a quick walk along the work block while on your break

These little exercises, though seemingly minute, are actually still so much better than doing nothing productive at all during any of the employee’s break time. If you have any employee that needs help with what physical exercise or workout is best for their needs, you can offer this as well as a part of your EAP counselling.

5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program 

3. Partner with local organizations and charities

Many people get more motivated to run or to do any active physical activity over the weekend when there is a humanitarian purpose to it. Often, it is hard for anybody to be inspired by merely doing it for themselves.

You can partner with neighboring offices and a charitable institution to offer activities like the following:

  • Run For Children With Cancer
  • Run For Pride
  • Walk For A Purpose: Raise Awareness About Mental Health Issues

You don’t need to do all these charitable programs all the time; you can do it once in a while merely to help your employees get motivated to start with creating a healthier lifestyle for themselves. Plus, on the bright side, while you’re at it, you get to help with some significant causes for the community, too. You’re also hitting your corporate social responsibility to the society in which you relate with.

5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program 

4. Coordinate with local farmer associations

The employee fitness program that you offer in your company should not only end within the confines of your office space. You should also do little ways such that your employees will carry on these lifestyle changes in their respective homes.

For example, you can coordinate with local farmer associations for them to hand out their contact details to your company and what fresh produce they have to sell for this week. In this manner, your employees can source out some of their groceries from these healthier options, while at the same time, supporting the income growth of small-time business owners and farmers, too.

5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program 

5. Encourage volunteerism in your workplace

Another means of starting up with an employee fitness program is by offering incentives to your employees when they do volunteer work for sports groups or local sports team, or any sports event that may be happening in the locality where your company office is based.

For example, your content creator might used to be a star basketball player when they were in high school, so they might want to volunteer to coach a local girls’ basketball team.



The healthier your employees are, the more that they can contribute to your growth as a company. When you start to breed and support a healthy environment in your workplace, your employees will also begin to live and maintain better and healthier lifestyles. These simple ways will help create the habit of making more health-conscious daily choices so that you can create a workforce of more vigorous and more physically fit employees.


Have you considered starting an employee fitness program?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


5 Tips For Starting An Employee Fitness Program  - One of the best ways to make your employees feel pampered is by providing them a good fitness program. Many would love to get started on a good workout routine, but do not have the time to travel to another location daily just to exercise.   #EmployeeFitnessProgram  #EmployeeFitness  #fitness #exercise  #wellness  #workplacefitness  #employeewellness