3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

While you might be working steadily toward the body of your dreams, there could be some

complications along the way.

Lifestyle changes such as weight loss often lead to the unexpected complication of loose skin.

You might finally be the size you want, but you might still feel insecure about sagging skin

on your body.


“Lifestyle changes such as

weight loss often lead to the 

unexpected complication

of loose skin.”



Here are three ways to diet and lose weight while minimizing the amount of loose skin.

Lose Weight at a Healthy Pace

3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

When you gain weight, your skin’s surface area increases, sometimes creating stretch marks.

As you lose weight, the surface area decreases, but your skin is still stretched to cover the

same area.

When you lose weight slowly, your skin has time to adjust to the changes your body is

going through and can remain tight, or at least tighter than if you had lost weight quickly.

According to the CDC, should occur at a pace of about one to two

pounds per week.

3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

To put that in perspective, a 20-pound weight loss goal can and should take a whole

season or even half a year to accomplish.

There are plenty of that come from losing a large amount of weight

within a short time.

You could damage your liver, develop gallstones, or harm your bones and muscles from

too much exertion.

Loose skin is mostly cosmetic and is just one reason why you should turn a six-week goal

into a healthier six-month goal.


“When you lose weight slowly, your skin

has time to adjust to the changes your

body is going through and can remain

tight, or at least tighter than if

you had lost weight quickly.”



Focus on Strength Training Along With Weight Loss

3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

Image via  by slgckgc

Many personal trainers will emphasize the benefits of building muscle along with losing fat.

Although cardio conditioning and dieting are important aspects of weight loss, muscle

increases your metabolism and burns calories, and thus fat, more quickly.

As you begin your weight loss journey, meet with a fitness professional to discuss how to

maintain muscle tone and even to talk about options.

This doesn’t mean that you will end up looking like a bodybuilder, but your body will be

toned and tighter than it would be if you were simply focusing on losing weight.


“You lost weight to become healthier

and improve your lifestyle, so the

medical treatments you seek

should be healthy, too.”



Consider Minimally Invasive Surgery

3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

Having loose skin doesn’t necessarily mean that you lost weight in an unhealthy manner.

The amount of loose skin left over after a diet and fitness change depends on your age,

genetics, and personal body type and on the location of the fat.

In a large part, reducing loose skin is out of your control.

However, there are options that you can choose other than major surgery to remove

the excess skin.

heats and repairs saggy skin and can last up to two years.

It’s also a nontoxic alternative to injectable neurotoxins, so you don’t have to worry

about foreign chemicals in your body.

You lost weight to become healthier and improve your lifestyle, so the medical treatments

you seek should be healthy, too.

3 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Without Getting Loose Skin

Everyone’s weight loss journey is different, so talk to your doctor or dietitian if you have

any concerns about your health during the course of weight loss.

These professionals can put you on a path to losing weight in a healthy and comfortable manner.


Have you ever lost weight and experienced loose skin?

What are your best tips for preventing loose skin from weight loss?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.