The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

Composting is one of the milestones of organic gardening.

Regardless of the current condition of your soil, compost will enrich the land and preserve

your plants’ health.

The organic fertilizers improve the soil quality by helping it to better retain vital nutrients,

air and moisture.

Composting is not only beneficial for your garden, but also for the environment.

The method allows you to manage your waste in a sustainable and green way.

The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

When you make compost you are recycling instead of filling the landfills with even more junk.

Composting is easy, inexpensive and doesn’t require any specific gardening tools and skills.

You need a container with good air flow and drainage.

Metal or plastic trash bin or a large barrel will do the job.

Making compost is not complicated when you learn the basics.

“Regardless of the current

condition of your soil,

compost will enrich the land

and preserve your

plants’ health.”

Composting Basics

There are various ways to produce your own composts, but they all have the same basics.


The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

Composting requires–most of all–a proper container.

A well-designed bin can preserve the temperature and moisture of the compost, providing

you with faster results.

Select a container that is appropriate for the amount of waste you have and the size of your yard.

You can choose between stationary and rotating bins.

If you have enough space in your garden, you can build a compost pile.

The downside is that the rotting organic material may attract pests.

Composting Techniques

The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

You can choose between cold and hot composting.

The first involves simply collecting yard waste or organic materials from your trash and mixing

them in a pile or a bin.

Although this is a low-maintenance method with almost no effort, it will take more time for the

matter to decompose.

Hot composting is a hard-core gardening technique which will provide you with compost in about

one to three months.

Whatever method you choose, you will need to stir, rotate or mix the compost at least once a week.

Balanced Compost Diet

The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

You cannot put just anything in your compost.

For fast–cooking hot compost, you need four basic ingredients – carbon, nitrogen,

water and air.

Your compost should contain enough of both greens and browns.

Ingredients like food scraps and leftovers, grass clippings and manure are high

in nitrogen.

On the other hand, paper, wood chips, leaves, sawdust and straw are rich in carbon.

Expert gardeners suggest that the ideal ratio for hot compost carbon/nitrogen ratio

should be 30:1.

Lower temperature composting requires a ratio of 50:1.

To get this ratio you should mix 2 parts of greens and 1 part browns.

Air, Moist and Temperature

The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

The key to successful composting is ensuring enough air flow.

The bacteria in your compost that speeds up the decomposing process needs oxygen.

Aerate the pile of matter by rotating and stirring it often.

Moisture is another key element.

Your compost should be moist to touch, but not damp.

If drops come out when you squeeze it, then the compost is too soggy.

In this case, you should add in sawdust.

If the material is too dry, add more water.

The Green Gardener's Guide to Composting

Compost can make a real difference to your organic gardening.

It will enhance the soil, increase the water retention and airflow, stabilize the soil’s

pH levels and provide your greenery with nutrients.

Compost reduces soil erosion and soil–borne diseases.


Do you compost?

What are your favorite tips for successful composting?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.


“Shared on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday”