Homesteading is not a new practice. It’s actually an old practice – the way our grandparents and great-grandparents used to live. It relies on the notion of self-sufficiency, which means that the point of it is to make you as independent of other people as possible. Sure, it takes some work, but many say that it’s absolutely worth it. Here are the main advantages of this lifestyle.

#Homesteading is not a new practice. It’s actually an old practice – the way our grandparents and great-grandparents used to live.Click To Tweet

1. It’s the healthier option

One of the best things about homesteading is the fact that you grow your own food. You know just how much (if any) pesticides you use, and you know how fresh the vegetables are. This way, you’re less likely to eat meat that has been waiting in the freezer for an eternity, and you know that your poultry or cattle are not full of chemicals. You can choose to have everything completely organic, or you can decide by yourself how much help your fruits and veggies need. Whatever you do, the upside is that you know exactly what’s in your food – and you can’t really say that for the store-bought food.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

2. It’s also the greener option

Homesteading is not just about gardening. You can also make your own cleaning solutions for household use, for example. You can re-use some of the old items, which means that you’ll be wasting less. Many homesteaders use solar energy. Furthermore, the simple fact that you’re growing your own food means that you are probably not poisoning the soil in the way big food producing companies do. This kind of life is more sustainable, and because of that better for the environment.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

3. You get plenty of exercise

Working in a field, gardening, and taking care of animals all require plenty of energy. Compared to a typical sedentary lifestyle of an average contemporary person, homesteading implies much more exercise. Combined with the home-grown food, this can do wonders for your shape and well-being. At the end of the day, even if you hate exercise, you’ll have to be physically active.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

4. You can save some money

Producing your own food is typically much cheaper than buying it, so you’ll waste less money on food. Eating healthier and getting the extra exercise will make you healthier, which means that you’ll need less money for doctors and medicine. Sustainable living will save you some cash as well. Of course, you’ll need to spend some money at the very beginning, but you can usually pick and choose your equipment. For example, Hoselink company offers high-quality gardening supplies which are at the same time very affordable, so you don’t have to spend a fortune on it. The bottom line is, even though you’ll be making some initial investment, they pay off very quickly. After the initial period, you’ll be saving a pretty penny.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

5. You teach your children the value of hard work and respect for nature

Plenty of children from urban areas don’t really understand where our food comes from. They think that potatoes grow on trees and that eggs are a man-made product. In order for children to respect nature, they have to understand the value of it. By doing smaller gardening tasks or taking care of the poultry, they can witness food production first-hand. They’ll be less likely to throw a candy wrap on the ground if they know that it will ruin the soil from which plants grow. Similarly, they will have the chance to experience the feeling of pride and accomplishment once they reap the benefits of their work. They will be able to literally see the fruits of their labor come to life. Is there any greater encouragement for working hard?
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

6. You want to be self-sufficient

If you don’t like having to rely on other people for the things you need, homesteading is just the thing for you. If you can produce your own food and other things you may need – like cotton and wool – you can provide for yourself. If you have food and water stored, you are prepared for any kind of emergency, and you won’t have to wait for somebody to help you out. Losing your job, for example, doesn’t seem nearly as bad when you know that you and your family are not going to starve.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

7. You crave a simpler life

It goes without saying that the contemporary lifestyle is busy and stressful. People have very little time for the things they actually enjoy, like spending time with friends and family or having a hobby. In this situation, many people have started craving a simpler life. Homesteading can provide you with an opportunity for making your life simpler and not so rushed. Of course, tending to your garden also requires some time, but there are some shortcuts you can take. For example, it’s easier to buy a young plant than grow them from seeds.
Why You Should Consider Homesteading 

8. You want to disconnect

Sometimes dealing with other people is too tiring for some of us. Well, with homesteading, you can get away with not dealing with others. If you have food, water, and energy sources, there’s very little need for you to actually deal with sellers or cashiers. You can spend your time only with the people you actually like and care for.
There are many points in favor of homesteading. Be it as it may, it is still a major change in lifestyle, and you should consider it carefully before you commit to it. However, once you make your decision, you will quickly see how rewarding it actually is.

Guest post by Mia Johnson

Have you considered homesteading?
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Why You Should Consider Homesteading - Homesteading is not a new practice. It’s actually an old practice – the way our grandparents and great-grandparents used to live. It relies on the notion of self-sufficiency, which means that the point of it is to make you as independent of other people as possible. Here are the main advantages of this lifestyle.  #homesteading   #homestead  #self-sufficiency  #gardening  #eco-friendly  #green


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