The decision of how to educate your children is an important one. For some parents, sending children to a private school with an emphasis on religion is a great way to reinforce values being taught at home. Other parents opt for homeschooling children with a religious curriculum. If you’re not sure whether or not to give your child a religious education or the role of religion in schools, here are a few reasons why you may want to consider sending your child to a school with a religious curriculum.

Connecting Kids

What Is the Role of Religious Education in Schools?

One of the best things about enrolling your child in religious education is the opportunity your child will have to be connected to vacation bible schools where they can meet new friends from across the country with similar belief systems. Most people who attend  programs with their children report a memorable experience that helps their child to feel better connected to peers.

Even if you opt to send your child to public school, one way to add religion to their curriculum is to send your child to a VBS program during the summer months. This would give your child the ability to meet people of all belief systems and backgrounds during the school year while still offering them friendships with children from similar backgrounds during the summer months.

Affording Options

What Is the Role of Religious Education in Schools?

Deciding to go with a religious option for your child’s curriculum can also mean many options. While public schools rely on state-approved courses, religion curriculums are different in educational philosophy when it comes to general studies. For example, if you’re considering  through a religious program, your child would have the opportunity to include bible study in their core courses. This would not be an option in public schools.

Creating Community

What Is the Role of Religious Education in Schools?

Having a sense of community is important for any child. Like with the friends your child could meet in a VBS program, being part of a religious program will mean your child has the opportunity to connect their academics to their church life and members. If you’re hoping to create a seamless experience from church to school for your child, this could be a reason to research religious schools, charter schools, and religious homeschooling options. You could start by talking to your church leader for their suggestions.

Instilling Character

What Is the Role of Religious Education in Schools?

Parental support when it comes to instilling character in a child is important. The reality is that most parents who choose a religious academic program for their children are primarily concerned with being sure their belief systems are honored. While a teacher in a public school might do what they can to teach a child right from wrong, a religious curriculum will reinforce morals, belief systems, and core qualities that help shape character.

Perhaps you’re worried your child will receive messages in a public setting that you don’t believe they’re ready for or that you’re uncomfortable with. In a religious curriculum, you’ll have more ability to control the narrative and be able to trust that your child is less likely to be exposed to things you don’t believe they’re ready for.

In the end, whether you decide to send your child to a religious school, homeschool, or enroll them in the public school system, it’s important to remember that family values and belief systems start at home. By giving your child the encouragement they need in both their education and life milestones, you’ll be setting them up for a successful future. Best of luck to you in your choices around how to educate your child. Trust your instincts. Your child will thank you for it down the road.


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