Understanding Hair Loss in Women 

When it comes to hair loss in women it can be a serious and embarrassing problem. There may be medical causes for these problems, or other underlying issues that need to be addressed in order to remedy the problem. Understanding the main causes and prevention methods for hair loss in women may help you combat the problem and restore your hair to its former look.

The fact is that women who are suffering from hair loss are likely to find it a very emotional experience. Losing too much can actually be a serious blow to your self-esteem making work and social situations difficult and uncomfortable.

While some may say that worrying about the physical state of your hair is vanity, this is just not true. In women, one of the first signs of a, illness or poor nutrition is changes in your hair, nails and skin. This is why it is especially important for women to pay close attention to any changes that may occur in your hair appearance and growth.

The Truth About Hair Loss in Women

Understanding Hair Loss in Women 

The fact is that each woman will lose some hair from time to time, this is completely normal. Excessive hair loss or thinning is usually an indication that there is something wrong within your body. Unfortunately, there are some doctors who will underplay the causes of your hair loss and not offer any treatment for the underlying condition that may be present. This often leads many women, especially those going through menopause, to believe that there is nothing that can be done to eliminate this hair loss.

There is no absolute treatment for hair loss in women. There are steps that can be taken with natural and holistic remedies that may aid in the regrowth and strengthening of your hair. One of the first steps in reversing or reducing hair loss for women is understanding the main causes, which include:

• Stress

• Hormonal Birth Control

• Thyroid Disorders

• Genetics

• Cosmetics

• Stress

• Medication

• Disease

These are just a few of the most common causes that can lead to hair loss in women.


“If you need to regrow hair, you must first

determine the cause for losing it.

This should begin with a comprehensive

evaluation of the healthy and unhealthy

habits you have.”


Natural Solutions for Women’s Hair Loss

Understanding Hair Loss in Women 

There are topical solutions, such as Rogaine, which can thicken existing hair, but will not spur regrowth. If you have a small bald spot, this treatment may be sufficient. If you suffer from more substantial hair loss, this product will not help. If you need to regrow hair, you must first determine the cause for losing it. This should begin with a comprehensive evaluation of the healthy and unhealthy habits you have.

Once you have evaluated them, use the following methods to aid the restoration process of your hair:

Eat a proper diet of whole and protein rich foods. There are many nutrition deficiencies that can lead to hair loss in women.

Strive for balanced hormones. You may need herbal support to create equilibrium with your hormones.

Consider holistic or alternative approaches. Some examples would include acupuncture or kelp-derived supplements.

Evaluate your overall emotional health. If you have a tremendous amount of stress, this may be the cause for your hair loss.

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If you do not see any improvement in your hair loss after a period of six months, you may need professional help. There are a number of options out there. For many women, the hormonal imbalance or other cause may need prescription medications to remedy. Once you have addressed the main issue, you will likely find that your hair will begin to regrow.


Have you or a loved one suffered from female hair loss?

What are your favorite suggestions for natural solutions for hair loss?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.