The world is becoming more environmentally-friendly by the day. Green living is on the tip of everyone’s tongues as of late, as talk of global warming, renewable energy, and reducing our individual carbon footprints becomes increasingly mainstream. Hybrid cars are driving down our streets, sustainable fabrics are being used to make our clothes, and even luxury developers are getting in on the action; in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, instead of tearing down a stunning and historically-significant building, residents are flocking to the condos at , where they can enjoy a piece of the past while living in the lap of modern luxury design.

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

On an individual level, reducing your consumption right at home is easy by ditching plastic whenever possible, an effort that can keep millions of tons of material out of landfills every year. So, how do you start? These easy tips will have you living plastic-free in no time.


“Living plastic-free doesn’t have

to be a hassle; with just a few small

changes to your regular routine, you’ll be free

of those pesky plastics and living green.”



Bring a reusable bag to the supermarket

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

It’s no wonder that so many European countries charge for their plastic bags; plastic shopping bags are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to landfill waste and pollution. Before you head out on your next grocery run, make sure you have some reusable totes with you and you’ll be saving the environment, one supermarket trip at a time.


Use your own water bottle

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

According to advocacy group Ban the Bottle, just one in five plastic bottles ends up being recycled, and it takes a whopping 17 million barrels of oil to produce plastic bottles every single year. By bringing your own metal or glass reusable bottle with you, you can hydrate on the go, saving money, keeping plastic bottles out of landfills, and limiting your exposure to the harmful, potentially carcinogenic and obesity-promoting BPA found in plastic bottles.


Choose bulk food whenever possible

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

Those bulk bins at your local grocery are definitely your friend when it comes to limiting your plastic use. Bring your own Mason jars with you to the store and you can load up on pasta, beans, flours, nuts, sugar, and grains at a fraction of the cost of buying them packaged and without any of the plastic.


Buy a metal straw

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

Straws may be small, but they’re a huge contributor to our plastic consumption, getting thrown away after just a single use. While it’s undeniably satisfying to sip a cool drink through a straw, you don’t have to turn to plastic; metal straws achieve the same result but they never break, they’re infinitely reusable, and you also save the paper wrapping associated with plastic straws, too.


Use glass containers for leftovers

Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life

Instead of tossing your leftovers in a plastic bag or container, try using glassware instead. Everything from glass jars to Pyrex containers are great alternatives; not only are they easier to clean, they can be easily reheated without toxic chemicals from plastic leeching into your food.

Living plastic-free doesn’t have to be a hassle; with just a few small changes to your regular routine, you’ll be free of those pesky plastics and living green.


What are your favorite tips for living a plastic-free lifestyle?

Share your thoughts and comments with us.



Top 5 Tips For Living a Plastic-Free Life