With winter in full swing for many of us, its time to reflect on the year we just had and to also plan for the year ahead. There are a few things I like to do to plan for my upcoming year, once I have finished thinking about the one just gone, of course. Planning for the year ahead is a great motivator to keep you focused in the here and now and get you through some of the hard winter weather that may be affecting some of us–depending on where in the world you are. This month, may be the perfect time for you to plan a few happy and healthy things to do this winter.
I’d like to share some of the things I would like to do to prepare for the year ahead and maybe you can take some of these ideas and use them for yourself. Perhaps you’re lacking some motivation, or you might not be the best planner in the world–I’m not either but these tricks have helped me along the way.
Plan a Trip
Or better yet book one. Booking in advance can usually save you a ton of money and it gives you something to look forward to. You’ll have loads of time to save for your next big trip, allowing you to enjoy the build up whilst also putting away a nice chunk of spending money. It doesn’t have to be anything to extravagant–even a weekend in the country can do you a world of good and allow you to break up you usual weekly schedule. I try to take a trip at least once or twice a year–of course this all depends upon my family and work.
Take Advantage of the Sales
Although Christmas time can be one of the most expensive times of the year, it can also be one of the best times to grab a great bargain–either around the now global Black Friday–or in the January sales when stores give you some of the best deals that you will find throughout the year. I try to make a list of all the things I want and need and then prioritize what I want the most. This year it’s a fanny pack, laptop and phone–plus, probably another 10 items I will add at the last minute as I have no will power.

Exercise as much as possible. The long nights can be a terrible for motivation. It can encourage you to sit in by the fire as much a possible. But it can also be an amazing motivator. I take advantage of the cold dark nights by hitting my local gym as much as possible. This way when summer comes I don’t have to much work to do and I can show off that summer body to my heart’s content. Make sure to take a break over Christmas–as you do need the freedom to fatten yourself up every now and then.
Although my ideas might not be accessible to everybody, I certainly hope they give you some ideas for your own personal journey.
What are your favorite things to do in the winter?
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