Are allergens and irritants stopping you or your family from breathing easy inside the comfort of your own home? Dust, mold, pet dander and pollen are all extremely common indoor allergens and whether you like it or not, are probably present inside your home. Carried into your home via the air and clothing, these harmful allergens can be found on most indoor surfaces, flooring and furniture.
Whilst you’ll never achieve a home that is entirely allergen-free, there are a number of things that you can do which will greatly reduce the number of allergens inside your home. Below is a list of tips that could help you keep allergens to a minimum, allowing you and your family to breathe much easier.
Vacuum Regularly
Using a powerful vacuum cleaner is one of the simplest and quickest ways to collect dust and other allergens from surfaces such as hard floors, carpeted areas, curtains, blinds and furniture. Aim to vacuum your floors at least every other day paying particular attention to the corners of the room where dust, dirt and dander are more likely to accumulate. High traffic areas such as hallways may require more frequent vacuuming.
If you prefer to remove dust using a more traditional method then be aware that feather dusters and dry dusting cloths could do more harm than good. This is because dry, untreated cloths and feather dusters may disturb dust particles, mixing them in with the air we’ll then breathe. Using a damp cloth or a mop for hard to reach areas will often be a much more effective way of picking up dust that your vacuum cleaner may have left behind. If you are particularly affected by dust whilst cleaning then wearing a dust mask and ensuring the area is properly ventilated could help.
Wash Your Bedding Often
It’s not nice to think that we share our beds with dust mites (and more disturbingly their faeces) but it’s, unfortunately, a fact for most people. Since we spend a large proportion of our lives in bed, it’s a key area to focus on when trying to remove allergens from our homes. Keeping your bedding fresh and clean by putting it through a hot wash at least once a week is a simple yet effective way of keeping dust mites at bay. To make the washing process as effective as it can be you should also dry your pillowcases, sheets and blankets using a hot tumble dryer.
If you haven’t already, it’s also wise to invest in mattress and pillow protectors that will make it easier for you to stop dust mites and other allergens from penetrating your pillows and mattress.
Opt For Natural Cleaning Products
Cleaning products, laundry detergents and air fresheners are made using harsh chemicals and could negatively impact those who are sensitive to allergens. To reduce the number of harmful chemicals in your home, switch to natural cleaning products. Products that contain ingredients such as lemon or eucalyptus are naturally antibacterial and will leave your home smelling clean and fresh without it being full of toxic chemicals. The great thing about natural cleaning alternatives is that you can often make them yourself, making them not only better for your health but also for your wallet!
The tips above show that you don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary to free your home from allergens. By simply keeping up with a regular cleaning routine you could greatly improve the air quality inside your home, making it a safer environment for both you and your family.
What are your favorites tips for freeing your home from allergens?
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