Car accidents are uncountable. Car accidents lead to multiple, unnecessary results such as injuries, death, and loss of earnings etc. Most of the car accidents happen because of speeding, drunk driving, running in red lights, wrong-way driving, the influence of the drug, road rage and, last but not the least, not following the driving rules. That’s why it’s really essential to double your research when buying car seats online. You might consider reading buying guides like this article to enlighten yourself more about car seats.
These things can be taken care of when you are mature, and most importantly when you are a parent. However, there are other safety measures that should be taken into account if you have an infant in the car. Ignoring the below precautions can lead to serious health problems of your child in future.
Getting A Used Car Without Homework
Before purchasing a used car, you must be assured of the car’s manufacturing date and model number, and that the car does not have visible damage or missing parts. So, if you are going to buy a used car, check the car seat’s history first, carefully.
Install and Tie Seat Accurately
If you are going to install a car seat, check the manufacturer’s specifications and label on the car seat. The seat should be tight, but not more than 1-inch side to side or front to back. There is one vehicle seat belt, named a LATCH (lower anchors and tethers for children), which can be used instead of installing the seat belt. It is very useful for all forward-facing seats and easy to use.
Image By BruceBlaus – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 Wikipedia Commons
Using Forward-Facing Car Seat Too Early
Stop placing the car seat in forward-facing positions just because you want to see your baby in the rearview mirror. You are ignoring the child’s safety. Riding rear facing is recommended until a child has gained maximum weight or if it is allowed by the manufacturer. You can use a convertible car seat rear-facing as it supports a higher height-limit and weight.
Switching to Booster Seats Too Soon
Children need a booster seat for safety. Generally, when your child has gained weight (up to 40-80 pounds), you can switch from a car seat to a booster seat. But doing it any sooner can cause injuries to your child.
Image By BruceBlaus – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikipedia Commons
Use A Car Seat as a General Seat
The car seat is used for lengthy travel and for preventing your children from various health risks. A car seat should be manufactured with utmost quality or designed properly so that it can protect them while traveling. Otherwise, it can cause breathing issues and can affect your kid’s head, back, and any other body parts. Additionally, if the seat is not used properly, it can be harmful, and your child can get easily injured.
Put Car Seat in Right Spot
The back seat is the safest seat for your child. If the car seat is installed too close to the front seat, it could hit the back when applying breaks and can cause fatal injuries. To minimize the risk of injury, install it to the center of the seat.
Image by BruceBlaus – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 Wikipedia Commons
Using Car Seat in Home
Car seats are designed for a specific place, i.e., within the car. It’s not a replacement crib or a general seat that can be used in the home by your kids. Sitting in car seats for longer durations can cause back pain and affect the child’s ability to breathe. So, use that car seat only while you are traveling, and within the car.
Incorrect Angle When Reclining
Most of the parents ignore the manufacturer’s instructions and recline the car seat as they like. It is important that the instructions are followed so that child safety isn’t compromised. The baby’s head, ears and back must be protected!
Image By BruceBlaus – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikipedia Commons
Keeping Children’s Heavy Outerwear
Bulky blankets and outerwear can affect your straps’ ability to snuggle and secure your baby. You should remove heavy outerwear, buckle the harness, and then place a blanket or coat over the baby.
Wrong Use of Booster Seat
A booster seat must never be used as a lap-only belt. Make sure to use it as a lap and shoulder belt and that it should snuggle your child’s thighs and shoulders and chest.
What precautions do you take when using a car seat?
What tips do you have for safe car seat usage?
Share your thoughts and comments with us.
Photo Credit:
Main Image Source: By Pieter Kuiper – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikipedia Commons
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